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Example sentences for "assafoetida"

Lexicographically close words:
aspirings; asprawl; aspre; asps; ass; assagai; assagais; assai; assaie; assaied
  1. Compound gamboge pill, and a pill of assafoetida and aloes, of each half a drachm: make twelve pills; two twice or three times a week.

  2. Assafoetida is mildly attractive to wolves and coyotes at the Zoo, but used alone is very slightly, if at all, attractive to those on the range.

  3. After it is thoroughly decomposed, add an ounce of assafoetida dissolved in alcohol to each pound of the decoy.

  4. The Sultan Mountains abound in the assafoetida plant, and in the summer months traders come in numbers from Afghanistan to collect it.

  5. Now, whether it was the smell of the assafoetida or of our game, I will not pretend to say, but the wolves came that night in such numbers that we could scarcely rest.

  6. Pour in white wine And oil, then add some boil'd beef marrow-bones, And take it from the fire, when the last zest Shall be by assafoetida imparted.

  7. Fish oil, oil of anise, assafoetida and muskrat musk, thoroughly mixed.

  8. Assafoetida used alone, is worthless, but may be mixed with other scents, to advantage.

  9. The atmosphere of an assafoetida desert is among those things that can better be imagined than described; the aroma of the fetid gum is wafted to and fro, and assails the nostrils in a manner quite the reverse of "Araby the blest.

  10. It is asserted by some sportsmen that bait scented with assafoetida is much more attractive to the fish, and will insure a capture which would otherwise be impossible.

  11. Oil of Assafoetida is by many trappers considered the best, but Oil of Rhodium, powdered fennel, fenugreek and Cummin Oil are also much used.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assafoetida" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.