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Example sentences for "atilt"

Lexicographically close words:
athrill; athrob; athversary; athwart; athwartship; ating; ation; atis; atlases; atmosphere
  1. Other people may ride atilt against all the problems one bruises head and heart over.

  2. To run atilt against established privileges, to refuse to let sleeping dogs lie, had always been main characteristics of the preacher; they never came out more strongly than in Newgate.

  3. But he had to stop to sing atilt of an elder stem before he could go on to tell his spouse about them.

  4. Just as I thought I had come to a decision in the case, a male lazuli flew in, lighting atilt of an acacia stalk opposite the wren-tit.

  5. Without a quiver of our nerves we run atilt at the most universally accepted traditions.

  6. Conroy escaped because no one, not even an Irish member, cares to ride atilt against a millionaire.

  7. And Sir Percevant took a great spear into his hand and so turned and led the way toward a fair smooth level lawn of grass whereon two knights might well run atilt against one another.

  8. For that meadow is a pleasant place, smooth and level, where two knights may have great joy in running atilt in friendly contest.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "atilt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.