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Example sentences for "auarice"

Lexicographically close words:
atween; atwixt; atypical; auant; auberge; aubergine; aubergiste; auburn; auch
  1. How auarice and fule largess suld be eschewit in a King.

  2. He was an earnest enemie to all vices, especially to auarice and pride, the two banes of all vertues.

  3. For when the King complained to Lanfranck of the intolerable both auarice and ambition of his brother Odo, the Archbishop gaue aduise, that hee should bee restrained of his libertie.

  4. And as he did surpasse al other Italians in substance and wealth, so in auarice and wretchednes he surmounted beyond measure the most couetous and miserable of the worlde.

  5. For auarice makeĆ¾ alwey mokeres to be hated.

  6. See how Auarice is the Pickpurse of secret and hidden gayne, and the very Whirlepoole of Honesty, and Conscience, couetinge nought els but by vnrighteous Pray of other mens goods, to accumulate and heape together.

  7. Whereunto she submitted hir selfe, blinded by Auarice and presumption, thinking that she had like power nowe ouer the Lord of Virle, as when she gaue him that sharpe and cruel penance.

  8. But what is that in all the world which auarice and negligence will not corrupt and impaire?

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "auarice" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.