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Example sentences for "baiters"

Lexicographically close words:
baiser; baisers; bait; baite; baited; baith; baiting; baitings; baits; baize
  1. The whole troop of bull-baiters rode up on a mad gallop in a cloud of dust, the riders seeming to gain in size at every bound.

  2. The bull-baiters entered the enclosure, welcomed as they passed through the palisade by the applause of the common people who had come to the festivity.

  3. It was enough of a compensation that the Jews were made to suffer not only materially, but also morally, and the purpose of the highly-placed Jew-baiters was accomplished.

  4. The reply of the local Jew-baiters took the form of a pogrom.

  5. This appeal, which, sounded in unison with the voice of the Russian Jew-baiters and appeared at a time when the wounds of the pogrom victims were not yet healed, aroused profound indignation among the Jews.

  6. The financial blow from Paris cooled somewhat the ardor of the Jew-baiters on the shores of the Neva.

  7. The highly-placed Jew-baiters of St. Petersburg were filled with rage, The Novoye Vremya emptied its invectives upon the Zhydovski financiers, referring to the refusal of Alphonse de Rothschild to participate in the Russian loan.

  8. The bull charges the blanket--no danger to the man--the gate is shut, and the baiters with their blankets held out at their sides get the bull more and more into fighting trim.

  9. The remaining two riders have played their part, and withdrawn from the ring, and six baiters on foot take up the "sport," and with their blankets draw the bull from the now dead horse.

  10. A few examples will show how stupid these Jew-baiters are.

  11. When the baiters reach the bluff, they fling the mock buffalo over the precipice, and betake themselves to holes in the bank or crevices among the rocks.

  12. It is exceedingly dangerous to bait buffalo, as the herd frequently overtake the false buffalo and trample it beneath their feet, or the great beasts, falling among the rock, crush the Indian baiters to death.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "baiters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.