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Example sentences for "barcarolle"

Lexicographically close words:
barbless; barbours; barbs; barbules; barcarole; bard; barded; bardic; bardism; bards
  1. This version of the play begins with a barcarolle sung by a tenor behind the act-drop as the curtain goes up.

  2. In the last act the librettist introduces a new character who sings a barcarolle to Dante's celebrated words, "Nessun maggior do lore.

  3. She did as he asked her, and he was silent until the last note of the barcarolle died away in a softly murmured breath.

  4. Still, the barcarolle is one of the most important of Chopin's compositions in the nocturne-style.

  5. Still, the barcarolle is one of the most important of Chopin's compositions in the nocturne- style.

  6. Footnote 224: To save space, no one of these pieces except the Barcarolle is given in the Supplement, since they are readily accessible.

  7. This completes the nocturne list, but following Niecks' system of formal grouping I include the Berceuse and Barcarolle as full fledged specimens of nocturnes.

  8. The rhythms of the Cradle Song and the Barcarolle are suggestive enough and if you please there are dew- drops in his cadenzas and there is the whistling of the wind in the last A minor Study.

  9. It is in true barcarolle vein; and most subtle are the shifting harmonic hues.

  10. The Barcarolle is a nocturne painted on a large canvas, with larger brushes.

  11. Yet Halle heard Chopin at his last Paris concert, February, 1848, play the two forte passages in the Barcarolle "pianissimo and with all sorts of dynamic finesse.

  12. The idea of the first page of this barcarolle is one of utter quietness, colorlessness; one is alone on the water; the evening is quiet and still; not a sound breaks the hushed silence.

  13. If you have reached that plane on which an attempt at the Barcarolle by Chopin is rational, you must feel that your individual taste will not lead you too far astray even if it should prompt you occasionally to depart from the rule.

  14. Sidenote: Chopin's Barcarolle] In Chopin's Barcarolle there is a number of trills preceded by grace notes.

  15. She was playing, not practicing, and the music was the barcarolle from the "Tales" of Hoffmann.

  16. I thought this Barcarolle would be easy, it has such a lovely swing about it.

  17. The Barcarolle had an attractive swing about it, and a romantic suggestion of gondolas and lapping water and moonlight serenades.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barcarolle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.