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Example sentences for "barricadoed"

Lexicographically close words:
barrer; barricade; barricaded; barricades; barricading; barrick; barricks; barrier; barriers; barrin
  1. The large gate of the court-yard he barricadoed yet more strongly, leaving only a wicket open for the convenience of passage.

  2. The insurgents had suffered most severely; and, from the difficulty which they had experienced in carrying the barricadoed positions without the precincts of the Castle, they could have but little hope of storming the place itself.

  3. Nature and the natives have long combined to isolate still more their Peninsula, which already is moated round by the unsocial sea, and is barricadoed by almost impassable mountains.

  4. Then I asked where Hoggett was, and they told me he had barricadoed himself in the hut, and refused to give up the musket.

  5. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barricadoed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.