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Example sentences for "barrer"

Lexicographically close words:
barrells; barrels; barren; barrenness; barrens; barricade; barricaded; barricades; barricading; barricadoed
  1. The wheel-barrer man had run his cart into a goose pond, and made a scatterin' among the geese.

  2. I buyd a pig off this ere man for nine and six: well, o’ the Monday mornin I goes with my barrer and a sack and I fetches the pig and gies the money to his man Joe Wurzel; leastways I puts it on the poast and he takes it up.

  3. It's killin' work draggin' a barrer full o' flower pots up and down 'ill.

  4. The barrer and moke could be 'ired by the day.

  5. So I bought it and nailed it on to my barrer among the other bits of brass and things.

  6. It was this very barrer what you’re looking at now.

  7. That's after paying for rum, barrer and oddments.

  8. In the barrer 'long wi' the bread an' bacon.

  9. I’ve never got that there barrer out of my head, and p’raps I make too much of the weak pints of it.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barrer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.