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Example sentences for "barrels"

Lexicographically close words:
barrel; barreled; barrell; barrelled; barrells; barren; barrenness; barrens; barrer; barricade
  1. I'm on my way to town with nine barrels of apples.

  2. A kind of weary smile flitted across his face instead.

  3. Miss Cecilia Maxwell was the only child of Sir Robert Maxwell, K.

  4. And now I have omitted the Athabasca, the Peace, the Moose and the Assiniboine!

  5. They thrust out their hands before them, pursued devious courses, came into violent collision with the counter, with boxes and barrels on the floor, and with one another.

  6. Morgan, who had stopped and was intently watching the agitated chaparral, said nothing, but had cocked both barrels of his gun and was holding it in readiness to aim.

  7. My companion appeared actually frightened, and I could hardly credit my senses when I saw him suddenly throw his gun to his shoulder and fire both barrels at the agitated grain!

  8. Such machines, costing nearly a thousand dollars, produce from forty to sixty barrels of crackers a day, enabling them to be sold at about 5 cents a pound at retail.

  9. The rifling of the barrels of firearms is, however, of very ancient origin.

  10. It consisted of a circular series of barrels mounted on a central shaft, and revolved by suitable gears and a hand crank.

  11. Gold--bushels, barrels of gold nuggets, to be picked up, as you pick up pebbles from the stony bed of a river!

  12. A religious festival meant a carouse, loads of victuals, barrels of wine broached in the street.

  13. It used to bring regularly so many barrels of potatoes and beans, so much lard and cheese garlic and dried pease--everything, almost, of which she keeps a stock.

  14. Each wagon discharges a certain number of barrels of tafia, and simultaneously the young men strip.

  15. I have never seen a swimmer attempt to convey more than one barrel at a time; but I am told there are experts who manage as many as three barrels together,--pushing them forward in line, with the head of one against the bottom of the next.

  16. I believe they have eight barrels of flour, a large quantity of biscuits, and a barrel of molasses.

  17. Six barrels of flour and over one hundred pounds of soap have come ashore.

  18. Below are 8,000 barrels of oil, which he is taking to Cape Town to be sent on from there to an English or Scotch market.

  19. Lastly, they will be placed in barrels where they will be left till to-morrow, when, if fine, they will be hung up to dry.

  20. They did very well, getting at least ten barrels of flour.

  21. The only thing that now remains to be done is to take a few more sheep on board and barrels of water for them.

  22. They take large barrels in ox-wagons to the shore to be filled, then they boil the water for twenty-four hours, in fact till it is all boiled away.

  23. His frozen hand was on the trigger of the shotgun, and both barrels went off.

  24. But they had taken only two or three steps, when the cabin door opened a few inches, and four black rifle barrels were thrust out.

  25. The barrels were of silver, and engraved all over with fruit and flowers, while the stocks of ivory were also carved in every part, and were quite perfect, not even discoloured like the wood work in the pit.

  26. A double chance," he replied, "for if the rope business had failed, I might still have secured the aid of the barrels to support me.

  27. All present and accounted for," said Mrs. Bryan, as the men who had been loaned with the wagon rolled the barrels and carried the boxes off to a little tarred shack near the spring.

  28. So Helen read from her list as the barrels and boxes were carried away, and the girls listened in awe, for this is what she read: One and a half barrels of flour.

  29. So you can--you put the barrels right on it.

  30. The governor said if you shut the left eye you cannot retain your glance on the bird, the barrels invariably obscure it for a moment, and the mind has to catch itself again.

  31. The barrels were entirely ignored; the body had already adjusted them.

  32. He took up his grandfather's gun which was a muzzle-loader and had not been shot off these thirty years, and put it to his shoulder, stretching out his left arm and grasping the barrels high up beyond the stock.

  33. The barrels would not at first keep quite steady, the sight, just as he had got it on the rabbit, jumped aside or drooped, so that he had to try twice before he was satisfied.

  34. Before sunset heads of men and barrels of guns were seen over the rocky cliff behind us.

  35. Their plan was to load her with a hundred barrels of powder in bulk, with bags of grape and solid shot, and under cover of the night explode her in the midst of the Tripolitan war-vessels.

  36. The magazine, containing five hundred barrels of powder, had been blown up.

  37. On one occasion three boats approached Sackett's Harbor, carrying two barrels of powder, with which it was intended to blow up the new vessel on the stocks.

  38. He ordered eight old gun-barrels to be made into syringes, and small holes to be broken through the roof from the inside.

  39. The flour mills of the county have a combined capacity of 3,600 barrels daily.

  40. At the same moment half a score of dark faces rose above the bank behind them, and gun-barrels stuck up.

  41. The clocks of the churches in Namur struck one; instantly a loud report and a jet of flame came from the trenches below; two barrels of gunpowder had been blown up as a signal for the attack.

  42. At intervals of several paces, as they could best find points from which to see without being seen from the northern side, the little detachment lay sprawled along the crest, the brown barrels of the carbines well forward.

  43. Then, with rock and ore and barrels of earth, they built a stout barrier in front of the tunnel, blocking it from without, and the sun was down and night was upon them when they stumbled back to their posts.

  44. And again the brown barrels of the rifles thrust forth from the wooden walls and were turned on the bend of the road.

  45. The fact, however, that only three barrels of the precious liquid remained caused me some anxiety, especially as the first well upon which we could rely was at Gwarjak, nearly sixty miles distant.

  46. Thou dost know that the china-packer comes early to-morrow morn, and that e'en now the barrels and boxes and excelsior are bestrewing the dining room?

  47. The answer, though not proper to record in this place, was worthy of Perkins's opponent, who had a standing grudge against the entire race of expressmen and carters who brought him boxes and barrels to handle.

  48. The interior was already pretty well filled with an acrid smoke that made their eyes run; but through it they could manage to see the barrels and boxes so well remembered.

  49. And if both barrels of my gun went off the plagued beast might stand in the way of getting hurt.

  50. As the weather was bright, according to Froissart, I wonder he did not, in his fondness for detail, mention the number of barrels of water that were every evening poured on the dusty plain.

  51. The King made provision for it: he ordained more than two hundred barrels of water that watered the place, whereby the ground was well amended, and yet the next day they had dust enough, and too much.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barrels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abundance; acres; barrel; flood; load; mass; mountain; much; multitude; ocean; peck; plenitude; plenty; profusion; quantity; sea; spate; superabundance; superfluity; tons; volume; world