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Example sentences for "battleline"

Lexicographically close words:
battlefield; battlefields; battlefront; battleground; battlegrounds; battlement; battlemented; battlements; battles; battleship
  1. Sanders, "that a man can go into the battleline and come out alive.

  2. The Austrians employed such a large amount of gases that the whole battleline was enveloped in dense, impenetrable clouds.

  3. The British battleline was held by some three divisions, from a point south of Pontruet to Itancourt, south of the St. Quentin Canal.

  4. The retirement of the entire Teutonic battleline before the Russians, who toward the end of October had reached the maximum of their strength, marks the end of the first phase of the eastern campaign.

  5. By noon the next day his battleline stretched from Patchogue through Holtsville to Port Jefferson and a hundred thousand men were wielding pick and shovel with savage determination.

  6. They've got a big tangled fence of barrbed wirre all along, even across the mountains, to where the battleline cuts in.

  7. Of all their clique, Ruth had been the only girl who had worked right up on the battleline and had really seen much of the war.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "battleline" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.