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Example sentences for "bemuddled"

Lexicographically close words:
bemired; bemoan; bemoaned; bemoaning; bemoans; bemused; ben; bena; bench; benche
  1. I never realized--it never occurred to my bemuddled and torpid brain that I was intruding upon his privacy, that he imagined himself to be alone in the room.

  2. Suddenly even in my bemuddled brain a remembrance came of those words of his when he had said that the taste of blood would turn the cat into a fiend.

  3. Sir Jeoffry, who had watched her as she queened it amongst rakes and fops and honest country squires and knights, had marked the vigour with which they plied her with an emotion which was a new sensation to his drink- bemuddled brain.

  4. Munro" under his arm; then the little woman, and then this rather perturbed and bemuddled young man.

  5. He had pulled over his washing-stand (with what object only his bemuddled mind could say), and the whole place was a morass of water with islands of broken crockery.

  6. Renan's bemuddled pool, Mr. Rogers has only bemuddled it the more.

  7. People have so bemuddled themselves that the last thing they can conceive is that one should be simple.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bemuddled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.