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Example sentences for "billygoat"

Lexicographically close words:
billowing; billows; billowy; bills; billycock; bilobed; bilocular; bils; bilt; biltong
  1. I can remember one time when I was young, I saw something I couldn't 'magine what it was, like a billygoat reared up on a tree.

  2. But I knew the' wasn't a billygoat round there near, nor no other kinds of goats.

  3. I'll show the old billygoat what he owns!

  4. He slouched in sulkily and gazed at Old Whiskers, who was chewing on his tobacco like a ruminative billygoat and pretending to polish the bar.

  5. The Billygoat baaed, and said it dared not say, but when it had another stroke, it said the princess was coming at eleven o'clock.

  6. Good day, you Billygoat on Broad-bridge,' said the cat.

  7. Cap'n Bill regarded the billygoat with distinct disfavor, and the billygoat glared evilly upon Cap'n Bill.

  8. After they had eaten all they could and the servants had been sent away, Trot related her adventures, telling how with the assistance of the billygoat she had turned the tables on the wicked Boolooroo.

  9. Uncle Lucky looked over the side of the Whale he saw it wasn't a man at all, but the old Billygoat who owned the Ferryboat I told you about some umpty-leven stones ago.

  10. One evening as Uncle Lucky and Billy Bunny were driving along in the Luckymobile, who should they come across but a little billygoat named Danny.

  11. Dwarfland never lost the title he gave it, nor Billygoat Hill, where he and Lane surrounded a patriarchal billy and almost caught him.

  12. His scrubby gray beard was stained with blackberries; his knees were gritty and dank from kneeling beside the brook that slipped over the quartz ledges beside Billygoat Hill.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "billygoat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.