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Example sentences for "biters"

Lexicographically close words:
bitch; bitchadey; bitches; bite; biter; bites; biteth; bith; biting; bitingly
  1. The Biters Bit'--that was the heading in the newspapers.

  2. Mechanically Jeremiah took the paper; but he did not look further than the heading: "A Strange Affair--The Biters Bit.

  3. The Spirit-dance is held to be a sacred frenzy, and before it begins the biters are charged to hunt the woods for any who have not joined the army of dancers, and, if such are found, to bite them and tear their flesh with their teeth.

  4. The biters were out, running hither and thither after their manner, and filling the air with hideous cries.

  5. We're full of bugs---the worst biters anywhere between the Rio Grande and the northern border.

  6. We're going to stand here and let the biters do their worst.

  7. If I do not make my back-biters eat it to a knife within this week, say I am not valiant.

  8. The biters and anti-biters being equally divided, the discussion waxes strong.

  9. There a duck was sitting on her eggs between the jaws of an ox, which you call 'biters of straw.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "biters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.