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Example sentences for "boid"

Lexicographically close words:
bogland; bogles; bogs; bogus; bogy; boil; boild; boile; boiled; boiler
  1. This diminutive Boid is a burrower in arid, sandy districts, appearing only early in the morning or towards dusk; it is as a rule more crepuscular than nocturnal.

  2. The quivering responsiveness of the protoplasm of the am[oe]boid ancestral cell has transformed itself into tough, stringy bands and webs for the purpose of binding together the more delicate tissues of the body.

  3. A jellylike mass of free protoplasm, without any union of am\'d2boid cells, and endowed with life and power of motion.

  4. Wallace gert Boid ner hand the castell ga, With fyfté men, a jeperté to ma.

  5. Adam Wallace and Boid furth with him yeid, By a reuir, throu out a floryst meid.

  6. And Robert Boid has with a captayne mett Off Berweik, than a sad straik on him set 750 Awkwart the crag, and kerwyt the pissane, Throuch all his weid in sondyr straik the bane.

  7. The hill thai left, and till a playne is gayne; Wallace him selff the wantguard he has tayne: 500 With him was Boid and Awchinlek but dreid, With a thousand off worthi men in weid.

  8. Boid wepyt sor, said; “Our leidar is gayne, “Amang our fays he is set him allayne.

  9. Wallace and Boid the playne streyt wp can ga.

  10. Gud Robert Boid on till a tawern yeid, 245 With twenty men that douchty war in deid, Off Wallace houss, full cruell off entent; He gouernyt thaim quhen Wallace was absent.

  11. Dis is a boid of a dude suit," observed Spike, pausing in his labors.

  12. It's a boid of a necklace, boss," he murmured, encouragingly.

  13. They eventually invade the corpuscles, possess more pigment, and lose their amœboid movement.

  14. Certainly, the character of their am[oe]boid action is one of the surest indications of health or disease.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.