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Example sentences for "braved"

Lexicographically close words:
braunches; braux; brava; bravado; brave; bravely; braver; braveries; bravery; braves
  1. In the midst of this persecution some Quakers braved the danger of the mob and taking the Indians by the hand gave them words of encouragement.

  2. She had no fear of the storm, and would have braved worse risks sooner than delay the crossing by an hour.

  3. Though repeatedly broken, they as often rallied, and braved even the deadly push of the bayonet.

  4. We went in gallantly, with the flag flying that "has braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze.

  5. We were they who laid her low In the old bad day when Villany braved Truth And Right, and laughed 'Henceforward, God deposed, Satan we set to rule forevermore I' the world!

  6. I hoped that gratitude would bind him to her who took pity on his weakness, who braved all prejudice and public opinion to drag him from the bog of infamy and make his name, his degraded name, an honorable and honored one!

  7. He wishes that an excursion across the Atlantic valley may one day bring you, who have so courageously braved Alpine summits, to the historic hill of Sans Souci.

  8. As they neared their goal they feared lest the mist might, at the last, deprive them of the culminating moment for which they had braved such dangers.

  9. If only I could have slipped out unobserved I would never have braved my fortune within those walls again.

  10. I will not dwell on my toils and sufferings, the terrible sights I have braved and the sleepless nights that I have sacrificed to study.

  11. Nevertheless, this lugger must be had at any price; for English commerce and English power are not to be cut up and braved in this audacious manner with impunity.

  12. His townsmen treasure his memory as one of the men who formed the Revolution, braved its dangers, and accepted its responsibilities.

  13. Elsewhere I read the name of Captain Isaiah Skinner, who, as master of a packet plying to the opposite shore, "thirty thousand times braved the perils of our bay.

  14. He confronted the most imminent dangers; and accordingly his words were not disregarded: the man who braved the scaffold had a right to exhort to submission.

  15. In the days of his strength he had braved the devil in Worms; but now all the reformer's powers seemed broken and his glory tarnished.

  16. If they were defeated in one quarter, they assembled again in another, and braved the most formidable forces.

  17. The loss of the three thousand guineas is one great motive; and another is that he felt he was out-braved by Henley, whom he could not terrify, but who on the contrary terrified him.

  18. Who would be braved by bats and beetles, buzzing in his ears?

  19. The story of how Sandy had braved the three crafty French trappers soon went abroad, and many congratulated the boy on his firm stand.

  20. And the wives and daughters of these early Ohio pioneers were well fitted to be the mates of the bold spirits that braved the unknown perils of the great wilderness.

  21. Mosche and Aharon terrify me; they must be supported by a more powerful god, for they braved your wrath.

  22. But he who had so hardily braved the resentment of a man, powerful as the commander of a royal cruiser in a British colony, appeared to understand the hazard of his situation.

  23. Ludlow could scarce believe his senses, when, on turning to face the intruder, he saw himself confronted by the audacious eye and calm mien of the mariner who had, once before that morning, braved his resentment.

  24. It is now five summers, since orders have been in the colonies for the cruisers to be on the alert to hunt the picaroon; and it is even said, the daring smuggler has often braved the pennants of the narrow seas.

  25. But the tail mariner maintained his coolness, and began to make merry allusions to the service which he had braved with so much temerity, and from which no one believed he was yet likely to escape.

  26. This was according to the usage of those times, desirous thereby both of honouring those who had braved death for Christ's sake, and of hallowing religious places with the mortal instruments of their triumph.

  27. Next he collected a large number of persons of both sexes in the open country, where they braved the severe weather of that climate.

  28. Well, he seed he had run off the track, so he braved it out.

  29. Wrapped in their plaids, they braved the blast, as the sports or the employments of the field required; and returned prepared to be pleased with every thing at home.

  30. And Peter had come to fear this one eyed man more than he feared any of the ghostly monsters hidden in the black pit of the forest he had braved that day.

  31. Gudrun retorted upon her by telling how that it was Sigurd, not Gunnar, who had braved the fiery flames, and in proof of this she showed in triumph the ring from Andvari's hoard which she wore upon her finger.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "braved" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.