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Example sentences for "capybaras"

Lexicographically close words:
capturing; captus; capull; caput; capybara; car; carabao; carabaos; carabine; carabineer
  1. Amazonian region, which is the longest of American snakes, and the worst foe of such river-loving creatures as capybaras and iguanas.

  2. The kind of tomb here alluded to is generally a square building crowned by a dome.

  3. The Muslims often implore the intercession of their prophet, and of various members of his family and other holy persons, though their ordinary prayers are addressed solely to God.

  4. Capybaras stood or squatted on the banks; sometimes they stared stupidly at us; sometimes they plunged into the river at our approach.

  5. But if alarmed it would dive, for capybaras swim with equal facility on or below the surface; and if they wish to hide they rise gently among the rushes or water-lily leaves with only their nostrils exposed.

  6. Where there were no ponds of sufficient size the capybaras sought refuge in flight through the tangled marsh.

  7. We saw caymans and capybaras sitting socially near one another on the sandbanks.

  8. Probably it had been hunting for capybaras or tapirs, and it had gone straight through ponds and long, winding, narrow ditches or bayous, where it must now and then have had to swim for a stroke or two.

  9. In some of the ponds the water had about gone, and the capybaras had become for the time being beasts of the marsh and the mud; although they could always find little slimy pools, under a mass of water-lilies, in which to lie and hide.

  10. In these waters the capybaras and small caymans paid no attention to one another, swimming and resting in close proximity.

  11. We saw a recent tapir track; and under a cajazeira tree by the bank there were the tracks of capybaras which had been eating the fallen fruit.

  12. Capybaras can be easily tamed; numbers are killed on land by jaguars and in the water by caimans--the alligators of South America.

  13. Capybaras are aquatic rodents, frequenting the banks of lakes and rivers, and being sometimes found where the water is brackish.

  14. Their common prey is the capybara, so that it is generally said, where capybaras are numerous there is little danger from the jaguar.

  15. These thickets afford a retreat for capybaras and jaguars.

  16. On her second food-hunt since the arrival of Warruk, the cub, Suma essayed to visit the margin of the swollen, raging river where the fat capybaras lived in the dense cane brakes.

  17. Not for days would the capybaras trust themselves more than a few steps from the security of the waterside.

  18. The capybaras immediately stopped fighting and all three wheeled to see the cause of the disturbance.

  19. But the capybaras simply found it impossible to loose themselves from it.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "capybaras" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.