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Example sentences for "carboxylic"

Lexicographically close words:
carbonizing; carbons; carbonyl; carborundum; carboxyl; carboys; carbre; carbuncle; carbuncled; carbuncles
  1. Another hexa-substituted benzene compound capable of direct synthesis is mellitic acid or benzene carboxylic acid, C6(COOH)6.

  2. It is probable that tetrahydro acids are first formed, which suffer rearrangement to orthoketone carboxylic acids.

  3. It was subsequently found, however, that by starting with phenylglycocoll-ortho-carboxylic acid, the yield was sufficiently good to render the process a practical success.

  4. This acid is then condensed with monochloracetic acid to form phenylglycocoll-ortho-carboxylic acid, C6H4(NH.

  5. Many organic substances[27] on being heated, or under the action of various agents, yield carbonic oxide; amongst these are many organic or carboxylic acids.

  6. Potassium permanganate oxidizes it first to methylfurazane-carboxylic acid and then to furazanedicarboxylic acid.

  7. These organic betaines are internal anhydrides of carboxylic acids, which contain an ammonium hydroxide group in the [alpha]-position.

  8. Conine, on oxidation, yields chiefly butyric acid, but among the products of oxidation has been found the pyridine carboxylic acid before referred to.

  9. Their basic idea was the absence of carboxylic groups in tannin, and that hence the total gallic acid must be present in ester form.

  10. With the introduction of the carboxylic group the tendency of condensation to diphenylmethane derivatives is lessened; by protocatechuic acid the tendency is nil.

  11. Cinnolin derivatives are obtained from oxycinnolin carboxylic acid, which is formed by digesting orthophenyl propiolic acid diazo chloride with water.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carboxylic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.