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Example sentences for "caudex"

Lexicographically close words:
caudae; caudal; caudam; caudata; caudate; caudle; caue; caues; cauf; caught
  1. A similar circumstance I suppose to happen in some herbaceous plants, that is, a new bark is annually produced over the old root, and thus for some years at least the old root or caudex increases in size and puts up new stems.

  2. Kydia continues; a fine Palm, caudex 8-10-pedali; it probably belongs to the genus Wallichia?

  3. The caudex is altogether similar in structure to that of Alsophyla, equally furnished with strong black bristly radicles towards its base.

  4. Plant raised on its prolonged caudex when growing in water.

  5. Caudex much branched; pod glabrous, acuminate or acute, twisted, beaked with a longer distinct style.

  6. Mr. Eaton gave me a tulip root which had been set too deep in the earth, and the caudex had elongated itself near an inch, and the new bulb was formed above the old one, and detached from it, instead of adhering to its side.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caudex" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    axis; bole; cane; pedicel; reed; spear; spire; stalk; stem; stock; straw; trunk