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Example sentences for "chainman"

Lexicographically close words:
chaine; chained; chaines; chaining; chainless; chains; chair; chaire; chaired; chairge
  1. I'm chainman with the Rutland party, out from North Bay on a topographical survey.

  2. It was too dark to see the birches clearly, but the ex-chainman for the Rutland survey party knew they were there and how they looked; he had seen hundreds of such growths.

  3. The traveling chainman frequently glanced back for directions from Reade whether or not he was off the course of a straight line to the next stake.

  4. The chainman started away to measure the distance.

  5. Oh, I don't think he will," drawled Tom, making a hand signal to the leading chainman to step a little more to the left.

  6. So the mystified and disappointed chainman returned to his own crowd.

  7. One chainman now held an end of a hundred-link chain at the nail head on the stake, while a second man started toward the rodman, unfolding the chain as he went.

  8. Such a whoop of glee ascended that the head chainman came running from the other nearby mess tent to see what was up.

  9. The head chainman carried all of these to start with, and stuck one into the ground at the end of each hundred feet.

  10. Then he runs on, and the rear chainman runs after him, but just a hundred feet behind.

  11. Now the head chainman starts off on a run, with his eyes fixed on the distant flag, and dragging a hundred feet of glistening steel-links behind him.

  12. The rear chainman gathered them up as he came to them, and thus, by counting the number of pins in his hand, he always knew just what distance had been measured.

  13. When he reaches the right point, the rear chainman signals "all right" by holding out both of his arms and then dropping them to his side; the marker is stuck, and both move up a hundred feet and repeat the process.

  14. The head chainman stops and draws the tape up tight, while the rear chainman holds his division end on the starting point.

  15. The latter, before he places his marker, looks back to the rear chainman to be told whether or not he is "on line" with the object point.

  16. A rod with a red or white flag on it ought to be placed at or just beyond the point to which the measurement is to be made so that the rear chainman can easily line in the head chainman.

  17. When he has gone nearly the length of the tape, the rear chainman calls "halt.

  18. Then the head chainman sticks a spike into the ground to mark the place where his division end comes, calls out "stuck," and starts on toward the object point.

  19. If he is not, and ought to go to the rear chainman's right to get "on," the latter holds out his right arm and the head chainman moves accordingly.

  20. In this way, the number of markers which the rear chainman has in his hand is always the same as the number of hundreds of feet which the last set marker is from the starting point.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chainman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.