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Example sentences for "chanters"

Lexicographically close words:
chant; chantant; chante; chanted; chanter; chantey; chanties; chanting; chantries; chantry
  1. Next the Master went round Jagannath's temple, dancing and singing, while the four parties of chanters preceded and followed Him.

  2. And as they rode away again into the green lanes, the shrill voices of the chanters followed them--"Blessed are the dead.

  3. He is buried to-day, and the priest and chanters are now returning from the grave.

  4. The players led the way in white, with the dark wood chanters mounted with silver bells and mouthpieces, and made music with a little of the twang of our pipe chanter, but without the continuity and lift or crisp grace-notes.

  5. Cut, Pierce, and such other sounds, that are heard in the front ranks of the array, constitute the Samans sung by its Vedic chanters in the abode of Yama.

  6. It is to me that the chanters utter their praises in Sacrifices.

  7. Each pupil should be provided with a properly made chanter, and all the chanters in the class should be of the same make and correctly tuned, so that, while at practice in class-work, they are all in perfect unison.

  8. If there are two or three chanters out of tune in a class of ten they prevent the instructor from detecting errors in fingering.

  9. If one or two improperly made and badly tuned chanters are used in a class, this is the cause of two great evils.

  10. He describes the movements and attitudes of certain chanters by which they "resembled actors": so that we thus get information on both at the same time.

  11. The ground at the feet of the chanters of the ritual was littered with limp reptiles' bodies.

  12. Diamond Snake stepped forward from his place in the row of chanters and began to address the tribe in a high, not unmusical voice.

  13. As the line of chief chanters swayed back and forth, from time to time the firelight gleamed on a row of earthen vessels, quaintly illuminated, which stood behind them.

  14. Ribbons attached to the chanters or tubes of a bagpipe for decoration.

  15. The pipers whipped the chanters from their mouths; the children, suddenly stopping in their merriment, cast one awestruck glance at the door, and then slunk back to their seats.

  16. Chanters sing each new stanza while the singers outside repeat the "Gloria Laus".

  17. When the procession has reached the portal of the Church two or four chanters enter and, facing the door begin the "Gloria Laus;" the clergy and singers outside repeat the verse.

  18. The chanters resumed, the litany was terminated, and the pope recited the prayers that follow it.

  19. Four chanters next intoned the litany of the saints in the well-known varying minor strains of Gregorian chant.

  20. The Navajo chanters say that the sacred groaning stick may only be made of the wood of a pine tree which has been struck by lightning.

  21. Two of the chanters took their places at the head and foot of the body, and the third began running about the pyre, chanting in a loud voice the virtues of the departed.

  22. From time to time the chanters changed places, and the poem of praise and sorrow continued till the fire burned low and died out.

  23. The chanters and myself intoned the litany of the Blessed Virgin and the salve regina; the catechist recited a few prayers.

  24. In the lectern, two chanters were shaking the walls of the church with a clamor most delightful to Indian ears, for singing is valued here in proportion to the volume of voice brought to bear upon it.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chanters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.