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Example sentences for "chanter"

Lexicographically close words:
chanst; chant; chantant; chante; chanted; chanters; chantey; chanties; chanting; chantries
  1. Chanter *Il chante toujours la même chanson = He is always harping on the same string.

  2. Faux Chanter faux = To sing out of tune.

  3. Both drones and chanter can be rendered quiescent by means of stops.

  4. Un jour etant a table, A boire et a chanter, A chanter tout au long La nouvelle chanson.

  5. He began to vest himself; the chanter obsequiously asked for a live coal; the incense began to diffuse its fragrance.

  6. Page 509 First Antiphon and Psalm Third Tone (a ending) Chanter Dum esset rex Choir in accubitu suo, nardus mea dedit odorem suavitatis.

  7. For the Second Vespers the Antiphon to the Magnificat is then intoned by a Chanter (or the Celebrant) and continued by the Choir.

  8. The wife, dreading that if the law should take the matter in hand she and her chanter would fare badly, devised a stratagem worthy of such a woman as herself.

  9. The Chanter of Blois delivering his Mistress from the Grave] [The Chanter of Blois delivering his Mistress from the Grave] [Illustration: 091.

  10. To this the chanter agreed, and brought her to a house that he had near Blois, (1) where for a long while they lived together.

  11. The priest asked the chanter where he would have her buried, and the other replied that she had desired to be buried in the cemetery, and that it would be well to bring her there at night.

  12. So the poor unfortunate was shrouded by a serving-woman, who was careful not to hurt her, and then by brave torchlight she was carried to the grave that the chanter had caused to be made.

  13. The Chanter of Blois delivering his Mistress from the Grave.

  14. Chanter and three or four others were rusticated for a year, and Blake was ordered to go down at once.

  15. St. Cloud came, and brought Chanter with him, to whom Patty was actually civil, not because she liked him at all, but because she saw that it made Tom furious.

  16. Chanter was a particular man in this sort of furniture, and his clock was rather a specialty.

  17. Chanter ought to be horsewhipped in quad," said Tom.

  18. When he heard this, the chanter went quickly to the house of Chaturika; when he entered, the lady advanced to meet him and he took a seat.

  19. The vita or roue meant "conciliation" but the chanter of the Sama Veda took it to mean "hymn.

  20. He said he had received the chanter and the power to play it from the fairies.

  21. Avdotya replied that, on meeting her, he had grossly insulted her, and had driven off to Chanter Efrem's.

  22. All the congregation departed, a chanter began to sweep out the church, and still she did not stir from her place.

  23. All went well till about noon, when the tailor observed the child rising up on its elbow and stretching its hand to a sort of shelf above the cradle and taking down from it a yellow chanter [of a bagpipe].

  24. The black chanter of Clan Chattan' is said to have been given to a famous Macpherson piper by a fairy woman who loved him; and the Mackays have a flag said to have been given to a Mackay by a fairy sweetheart.

  25. A second time at the same hour of the day the child in the cradle, appearing more like an old man than a child, took the chanter and began to play.

  26. About two o'clock that same afternoon the women disappeared unknown to the tailor, and the chanter disappeared from the hands of the child also unknown to the tailor; and the child was in the cradle crying as usual.

  27. And that bull of the Dhananjaya race, Susaman, became the chanter of the Vedic (Sama) hymns.

  28. The verses that a chanter sings, even if he sings them often, produce no impression on him.

  29. Let our foes, O Bhishma, be endued with that prowess which this Kesava hath, whom thou like a professional chanter of hymns praisest, rising repeatedly from thy seat.

  30. The chanter was subdued by the food given to his only child when again ill, and the warm covering for its bed was among the influences which led him to acknowledge God, and to bend his stubborn knee.

  31. Sologoub is, above all, a chanter of death.

  32. These stories, often tragic, always sad, have given Youshkevich the name of "chanter of human suffering.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chanter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.