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Example sentences for "chanst"

Lexicographically close words:
channels; chanons; chans; chanse; chansons; chant; chantant; chante; chanted; chanter
  1. If they pull up a rail an' ditch us at La Mancha, I'd hardly call it a chanst with half of the brigada Gonzales shooting us up from all around.

  2. Us take a chanst of her being widowed after all the trouble we had getting her married?

  3. As you say, Jimmie, wot bloomin' chanst 'ave we?

  4. The little gal says she wants a singin' chanst more'n anythin' else.

  5. And I'll thank you not t' spoil my chanst with any more of you' tricks.

  6. Goldstone offers the chanst of a lifetime," it read.

  7. I didn't hev no chanst when I were young.

  8. You ain't like to shoot yourself--not while there's a chanst of liquor.

  9. Thin I kept off canteen, an' I kept to the married quarthers, or near by, on the chanst av meetin' Dinah.

  10. She live on de fu' plantation, Twenty miles erway er so; But huh man is mighty happy Wen he git de chanst to go.

  11. Ye didn't chanst ter discarn no crown, did ye, Booney, pokin' a gold prong or two up outen them saddle pockets?

  12. Thar's just one human soul thet hes a chanst ter save him--an' thet's you.

  13. Peared like, ter me, a body kinderly hes a better chanst ter be godly ef he hain't benighted.

  14. He's th' officyal scoorer an' what Higginson thinks was a base hit, he calls a foul an' what McArthur calls an accipted chanst is an error.

  15. Could it be by any chanst Old Joe, Harky?

  16. Many's the time I been tempted to leave mine out, but with fourteen wimmen folk, a body's got less chanst than you stand with your Pa.

  17. If ye missed them i' front ye hadn't much chanst behind, for they swept awa' like lightnin' doon the wind before ye could get turned round.

  18. He won't git a chanst to look in my face for some time to come if we kin lift this cache.

  19. He'll wash under, tangle up, and be drowned before we get a chanst to snake him out.

  20. I remembered that this'd be my last chanst fer her to see the kid when she could get any happiness out of it.

  21. You never let me have a chanst at him, nor yet you won't let me brisk the Old Lady up to match.

  22. Not but what the old lady meant well, for she did; but what I mean is, them boys never had no chanst to be boys--not like other boys do.

  23. Do you like to live in this alley when we kin hev all outdoors and git a chanst to be somebody?

  24. Sam chuckled to himself: "She won't never have a chanst to scol' me.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chanst" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.