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Example sentences for "chaunge"

Lexicographically close words:
chauffeurs; chaumber; chaunce; chaunced; chaunceth; chaunged; chaungen; chaungeth; chaunging; chaunt
  1. The holie fathers estemed this Sacrament so highly, that if the name giuen to the childe at his Christendome, siemed not good: the Bishoppe at the giuyng hereof mighte chaunge it.

  2. It is reported of the Camelion that shee can chaunge her selfe unto all coollors save whyte, and you can accompte of all thinges save such as have honesty.

  3. Accepte this myn honest chaunge from vice to virtue, from prodigalitee to frugall livyng, from negligence of teachyng to assiduitee, from playe to studie, from lightness to gravitee.

  4. I feele no maner chaunge but after the olde rate.

  5. Truly the violence / and nature of persequution and daungiers is not such / that it can chaunge Godds lawe: neither that he will haue his lawes chaunged for them.

  6. But 115 folye, that lyeth alwey to him-self, may not chaunge the merite of thinges.

  7. Thus he determined to chaunge his opinion.

  8. Doe not they describe the chaunge of Monarches, the ruine of houses, the destruction of one realme acquired, by the establishing and raigne of an other?

  9. Ermino was so sodenlye ashamed, as he was forced to chaunge his minde in maner cleane contrarye to his accustomed vse, and trade of life, saying: “M.

  10. Nought more vnsure more weak, more like the winde, Then Peoples fauor still to chaunge enclinde.

  11. Chaunge purpose, when thou perceivest that the enemie hath forseene it.

  12. Her feeling speeches some compassion moved In hart, and chaunge in that great mothers face: Yet pittie in her hart was never proved 215 Till then: for evermore she hated, never loved.

  13. We may not chaunge (quoth he) this evil plight, Till we be bathed in a living well;° That is the terme prescribed by the spell.

  14. Now by the chaunge of a vizard one man might play the king and the carter, the old nurse & the yong damsell, the marchant & the souldier or any other part he listed very conueniently.

  15. Therefore I thee exhort, 8 To chaunge thy will, and set +Occasion+ free, And to her captiue sonne yield his first libertee.

  16. Then Paridell began to chaunge his theme, And threatned him with force and punishment extreme.

  17. We may not chaunge (quoth he) this euil plight, 4 Till we be bathed in a liuing well; That is the terme prescribed by the spell.

  18. But folye þat lieth alwey to hym self may not chaunge þe merit of þinges.

  19. To him in gold for to chaunge into small mony for the dole, xll.

  20. And some, that use very foolishly and fondly to chaunge Sillables into woords.

  21. Then, it behoves them that discourse matters at length, to use proper names, & not to chaunge them after.

  22. Thos from dysportysmente to warr to ron, 250 To chaunge the selke veste for the gaberdyne!

  23. So let us, which this chaunge of weather vew, Chaunge eke our mynds, and former lives amend; The old yeares sinnes forepast let us eschew, And fly the faults with which we did offend.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chaunge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.