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Example sentences for "chaunceth"

Lexicographically close words:
chauffeur; chauffeurs; chaumber; chaunce; chaunced; chaunge; chaunged; chaungen; chaungeth; chaunging
  1. And many times it chaunceth y^e men come to daggers drawing, even for this occasion alone, that one man hath not done the other, that worship and honour uppon the way, that he ought.

  2. And so also it chaunceth that he seeth spirites and vaine visions, a great deale more seldome than superstitious men do, for hée knoweth well what hée ought to déeme and iudge of them.

  3. We reade in writers of Philosophie, that the very same also chaunceth in bankes of riuers, which bende a little in compasse.

  4. And as they were talking of diuers matters (as chaunceth in communication) they fel in talke of prayers, that men do make vnto God.

  5. But sithe thou hast thus done, it chaunceth that our Lord God, hath shewed more mercy vpon thee, then thou hast done vpon thy selfe.

  6. The sending awaye of the chylde to an other Nourice is not muche inferiour to the forgetfulnesse that chaunceth when death dothe take it awaye.

  7. Demetrius asked hir further: "Tell me, Lamia, how chaunceth it that men be ill matched?

  8. And by forgoing of those ioyes by to to much mishap, and sacred famine of cursed mucke, I am thus pined as ye see, and wrapte in hopeles state.

  9. But now madame, omittinge to speake of the greatnesse of your estate, let vs consider that we be both man and woman, the most deceiued of the world, and betrayed of them which we haue most dearely loued.

  10. The stormes of exile and penury, I haue already suffred: for beinge driuen out of my kingdome many times, I haue repayred to obscure dens and caues, where I haue hidden my selfe, and liued in the Wildernesse among the sauage Beasts.

  11. Some he marked with two spottes, some with six and some with X.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chaunceth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.