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Example sentences for "chloral hydrate"

  • Chloral hydrate may be obtained in crystals by mixing the cake with about half its bulk of chloroform, and putting aside in a cool place.

  • Free from disagreeable cardiac after-effects and cumulative tendency of chloral hydrate.

  • Having very little power, in moderate doses, to depress the action of the heart, it is preferable to chloral hydrate in cardiac diseases and debility.

  • For this purpose it may be given in a solution like that of chloral hydrate.

  • Artificial sleep occasioned by chloral hydrate produced a similar reduction in the consumption of oxygen and in the formation of carbonic acid gas.

  • The physiological action of the medicine is very similar to that of chloral hydrate, and its use is indicated in the same class of cases to which that drug is appropriate.

  • Chloral hydrate is supposed to owe its hypnotic effect to its power of diminishing the amount of blood in the brain, and therefore it may be used when sleeplessness arises from the pains of muscular spasm.

  • Dr Doring, a Viennese physician, states that an ordinary dose of chloral hydrate is an unfailing remedy for sea sickness.

  • These failing, 1 ounce or 1-1/2 ounces of chloral hydrate in a quart of water may be given to check the pains.

  • If the throes are very violent, or the womb strongly contracted on the calf, it may be best to seek relaxation by giving chloroform, or 2 ounces of laudanum, or 2 ounces of chloral hydrate.

  • Chloroform or ether may be given by inhalation, or chloral hydrate (1 ounce) may be given in water by the mouth.

  • Mulford Company, submits the following report of experiments, undertaken to compare the effects of Somnos with those of chloral hydrate.

  • Chloroform or chloral hydrate, 3 drams, may be substituted if more convenient.

  • In intractable cases a large dose of chloral hydrate (1 ounce in a quart of water) or the inhalation of chloroform and air (equal proportions) to insensibility may secure a respite, during which the missing members may be replaced.

  • If the suffering is very severe, during this stage, fifteen grains of chloral hydrate, well diluted with water, may be given every fifteen or thirty minutes until sixty grains have been given.

  • Chloral hydrate in thirty to sixty grain doses in three ounces of water may be injected into the rectum if the other remedies fail.

  • Dissolve two drams of chloral hydrate in an ounce of water, use a camel's hair pencil if you have it, or a soft piece of cloth tied on a smooth stick, and apply directly to the diseased parts.

  • The same may be said of other drugs which have been thought to have similar specific virtue in the treatment of gastric ulcer, such as acetate of lead, arsenic, chloral hydrate, iodoform, etc.

  • When there are symptoms of an imminent convulsion, or to soothe the convulsibility which may break out any moment, chloral hydrate, eight or ten grains in from one hour to four hours, two grains in a dose, will be convenient.

  • It should be given in moderate doses, and preferably combined with chloroform or ammonia, or, if more expedient to administer per rectum, combined with solutions of chloral hydrate or bromide of potassium.

  • When the neuralgias are excessively violent, opium may be again administered, preferably by enema, and in combination with bromide of potassium or chloral hydrate.

  • Insomnia must be relieved by opiates, chloral hydrate, or other hypnotics.

  • Opium, chloroform, belladonna, chloral hydrate, and bromide of potassium have proved more or less valuable, according to the idiosyncrasy of the patient or the circumstances under which they have been used.

  • As he rode he cogitated: "Chloral hydrate.

  • Chloral hydrate--safe in the right hands and very efficient.

  • The dose is from five to twenty grains or somewhat more, and it is often given in the form of the pharmacopoeial Syrupus Chloral, which contains ten grains of chloral hydrate to the fluid drachm.

  • Chloral hydrate must be well diluted when given by the mouth, as otherwise it may cause considerable gastro-intestinal irritation.

  • When mixed with water, chloral hydrate causes a considerable degree of cold; and, as with camphor, small fragments of it placed on the surface of water exhibit gyratory movements.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chloral hydrate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    argument from; better then; boat building; brought over; chloral hydrate; good citizenship; good way; had committed; had she; hair shawl; half the; little blue; mean time; mission house; much disturbed; primaries black; recent period; shall save his people from their; sincerely hope; small building; unburnt brick; warm them