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Example sentences for "chloroplasts"

Lexicographically close words:
chloroform; chloroformed; chloroforming; chlorophyl; chlorophyll; chlorosis; chlorotic; chlorous; chnen; chner
  1. He mixed luminous bacteria with an emulsion of clover leaves containing chloroplasts and kept the two in the dark until all the oxygen was used up and the bacteria ceased to glow.

  2. Only if the chloroplasts are exposed to a color in the spectrum which decomposes CO{2} with liberation of oxygen do the bacteria luminesce, and when this oxygen is used up by the bacteria, the tube again becomes dark.

  3. Chloroplasts are minute flattened granules, usually occurring in great numbers in the cytoplasm near the cell wall, and consist of a colorless ground substance saturated with chlorophyll pigments.

  4. They contain numerous chloroplasts imbedded in the layer of protoplasm that lines the wall.

  5. The cells contain small chloroplasts like those of the higher plants, but owing to the presence of the brown pigment found in all of the class, in addition to the chlorophyll, they appear golden brown instead of green.

  6. All the cells of the plant except the root hairs contain large and distinct chloroplasts much like those in the leaves of the moss, and like them usually to be found in process of division.

  7. A), with two star-shaped chloroplasts in each cell, and Mesocarpus (Fig.

  8. The chloroplasts are smaller and less distinct than in Protococcus.

  9. There are various genera of the pond scums, differing in the form of the chloroplasts and also in the position of the spores.

  10. In the protoplasm are numerous elongated chloroplasts (cl.

  11. Some of these cells contain a few scattered chloroplasts in the very thin, protoplasmic layer lining their walls, but the cells are almost completely filled with colorless cell sap.

  12. The chloroplasts are numerous and nearly round in shape.

  13. In some species the chloroplasts are reddish in the young cells, assuming their green color as the cells approach maturity.

  14. The chloroplasts are, indeed, simply part of the protoplasm of the cell colored green.

  15. The sun furnishes the motive power, the chloroplasts constitute the machinery, and soil water and carbon dioxide are the raw products taken into the mill.

  16. The globular chloroplasts are constricted in the middle, and split into two equal daughter-globules.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chloroplasts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.