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Example sentences for "chune"

Lexicographically close words:
chummy; chump; chumps; chums; chunam; chunes; chung; chunk; chunks; chupatties
  1. Dey played a chune er two on de quills en tr'angle, en den dey got ter de song.

  2. I lay I done wid Brer Fox, kaze you can't put no pennunce in deze yer men-folks,' sez she.

  3. Atter I cook my brekkus en wash up de dishes, ef I gits win' er any 'spicious racket may be I mought take down my pairsol en foller long atter you,' sezee.

  4. Yissir; she wint down th' alley here hummin' a chune an' as gay as a burrd.

  5. When Chune Benefski's little boy was so sick that they thought he was already dead, a parchment blessed by the bal-shem brought him back to life.

  6. They waited till the remnint av the battalion was up, and thin - clane against ordhers, for who wanted that chune that day?

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chune" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.