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Example sentences for "clangorous"

Lexicographically close words:
clane; clang; clanged; clanging; clangor; clangour; clangs; clangula; clank; clanked
  1. In becoming again a disciple he reverts to something that he seemed to have left behind him when he wrote his clangorous "Dwarf Suite.

  2. The voice of the giant children spoke to one another, an undertone to that clangorous melody of the smiths.

  3. A tower of steel, there was a clangorous bluster about him that bespoke action.

  4. They thundered into the open stretch of grass with a clangorous rattle of steel.

  5. In 'The Gods of Greece' he strikes with almost clangorous emphasis the note of pagan aestheticism.

  6. The glow of his blood died away, to be rekindled only by the seething streets into which he emerged from the clangorous maze of Waterloo Station; the throb of tumultuous life that beat as a drum and stirred the blood as a trumpet.

  7. Blacksmiths, wagon-makers, and workers in clangorous metals have made shops of the lower corridors of the old arena, and it is friends and neighbors with the modern life about it, as such things usually are in Italy.

  8. These fine outlooks received a sad shock in the Year now come; when secret grudges burst out into open flame; and Berlin, instead of scenic splendors for a Polish Majesty, was clangorous with note of preparation for imminent War.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clangorous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    blaring; blatant; blustering; boisterous; brassy; brawling; brazen; clamorous; noisy; obstreperous; rowdy; sonorous; tumultuous; turbulent; uproarious; vociferous