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Example sentences for "clangs"

Lexicographically close words:
clanged; clanging; clangor; clangorous; clangour; clangula; clank; clanked; clanking; clannish
  1. Twelve o'clock strikes, and in one moment every bell from every belfrey clangs out its summons.

  2. During the nocturnal migrations of geese and other water-fowl, sonorous clangs from the van may be heard in the darkness overhead, answered by clangs in the rear.

  3. An' take a smoke out here where it's cool.

  4. In contradistinction, however, to the intensive fusions of clangs and chords, this possesses the special characteristic, that it consists of elements out of different senses.

  5. Musical clangs are combinations of a number of such simple tonal sensations, and the so-called compound clangs increase this complicated constitution of the clangs by emphasising to a greater degree certain partial tones.

  6. The chairman again lifted his hand and two clangs were heard.

  7. The chairman rose and I heard four sonorous clangs which summoned the "Ministerial" committee.

  8. A patrol wagon clangs and clamors down State street.

  9. The heavy bell of sorrow clangs loudly upon this article of her pride, ambition and lack of address to the true interests of her dead lord.

  10. A bell clangs in the engine-room, the great wheel stops as welcoming rest, the bell clangs again and the boat swings on, standing for the channel.

  11. Roughly speaking, these were of two kinds: one, those of distant clangs and crashes which we have heard many times in varying intensity, loudest of all on our first night and on this.

  12. The first stroke of the hour clangs from Big Ben.

  13. The instant you are seated the bell clangs again; and you fly up and demand to know what the thunder they want, and who the thunder they are.

  14. Yet he tried to combat the antagonist powers of cruel fate; and, raising his body from the bench, he bent forward to clutch the mattock, with which to give the clangs that formed the signal to raise us from our water-bound prison.

  15. He succeeded beyond my expectation; despair nerved his arm; he clutched the instrument, and rung three successive clangs on the side of the bell.

  16. I hear the Captain's heavy footfalls retreating along the stone passage toward his office; then, muffled by the distance and the heavy iron door already closed, the outer door clangs faintly to, and is more faintly locked.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clangs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.