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Example sentences for "noisy"

Lexicographically close words:
noises; noisier; noisiest; noisily; noisome; noix; nok; nol; nold; nolde
  1. A busy day's traffic had had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, His Honor got along without having to stop to grasp a hand, or talk; for a Mayor out of City Hall is a shining mark for any politician.

  2. Every instinct of his tenderly sensitive nature shrank from the wordy irreverence of noisy profession.

  3. Thus, when we came to Elkington, Mr. Mecklin reposed in the Commercial House, on the noisy main street.

  4. Taking command of the Kyme dinner table appeared to me to be no mean achievement, but this is just what he did, without being vulgar or noisy or assertive.

  5. As I walked slowly back into town I felt a reluctance to return to the noisy hotel, and finding myself in front of a little restaurant on a side street, I entered it.

  6. At nine o'clock that night, when we came out through the gates of the big, noisy station, the children were awaiting us.

  7. She was sprightly as ever in her motions, and quick in her gestures; but she would sit patiently at her task of embroidery, hour after hour, without even looking up to answer the noisy challenges of the parrot.

  8. The poor girls had no heart for play; and Madame considerately silenced the noisy bird by hanging a cloth over the cage.

  9. And then she began to whistle and warble, twitter and crow, through a ludicrous series of noisy variations.

  10. A large section of the audience expressed their indignation at such a slur upon the travelers by noisy shouts of dissent and cries of, 'Don't put it!

  11. There was an offensive tone in it, perhaps, and yet in the main it struck me as mere riotous outcry, the noisy reception of one who amused and interested them, rather than of one they disliked or despised.

  12. I remember once being "told off" to go to the fair and bring as many musical and noisy toys as I could carry; which were to be instrumental in a plot against our "dame" .

  13. House of '73, and was commonly known as "Noisy Tom.

  14. He had one of these spaces just after Vassie had been buried, and all the time he was consoling Dan's frantic and noisy sorrow he was feeling a hypocrite, because, so he told himself, he really did not care.

  15. Limpid Leman, the sail of thy barque in which I glide over the surface of thy mirror appears to me a silent wing which separates me from a noisy life.

  16. One, an extremely noisy house and mostly patronised by women, is situated not far from the West Gate along the wall.

  17. Laughter is seldom indulged in to any very great extent among the upper classes, who think it undignified to show in a noisy manner the pleasure which they derive from whatever it may be.

  18. Dozens of them, generally noisy and boisterous, are to be seen arm in arm, parading the principal streets, and apparently always eating something or other.

  19. As she spoke, there was the sound of heavy footsteps in the hall, followed by the noisy opening and shutting of a door.

  20. Women and children shrieked, and men encouraged each other with noisy shouts and cheers.

  21. Who can tell how scenes of peace and quietude sink into the minds of pain-worn dwellers in close and noisy places, and carry their own freshness, deep into their jaded hearts!

  22. The robber, after paying his reckoning, sat silent and unnoticed in his corner, and had almost dropped asleep, when he was half wakened by the noisy entrance of a new comer.

  23. There was a certain grand inertia of the great State which resisted the noisy efforts of South Carolina to drag it out, as a stately ship resists, of itself and although its crew be passive, the attempts of a little tug to tow it along.

  24. Hence: Any assembly characterized by noise and confusion; a noisy frolic or gathering.

  25. Noisy demagogues who had been accused of sedition.

  26. To expel air, or obstructing or irritating matter, from the lungs or air passages, in a noisy and violent manner.

  27. An angry dispute; a noisy quarrel; a squabble; an altercation.

  28. To utter jargon; to emit confused or unintelligible sounds; to talk unintelligibly, or in a harsh and noisy manner.

  29. An uproar; a noisy quarrel; a disturbance; a brawl.

  30. A feast with loose and noisy jollity; riotous festivity or merrymaking; a carousal.

  31. His detractors were noisy and scurrilous.

  32. Tight blown, quivering in the blast of noisy life.

  33. At the gin-shop centres the life of each street; here is a wide door and a noisy welcome, the more attractive by contrast with the stretch of closed shutters on either hand.

  34. His noisy entrance indicated an impulsive character, and the nod with which he greeted Kirkwood was self-sufficient.

  35. He thought he was returning from a noisy banquet in the palace of the Caesars.

  36. I looked up in the dim light to see the big, burly policeman leaning over me, while Esau was giving vent to a noisy yawn.

  37. And little globes of fat, all amber-hued, Dance in the pan and sing with noisy glee.

  38. This misery attacks one even more virulently on the noisy boulevard than along the whispering country lane.

  39. For some the path is quiet and joyful, for some it is noisy and busy, for some it is dreary and painful; for some it is even what we call selfish, cruel, and vile.

  40. Perhaps you don't know there's a noisy nuisance hereabouts who calls himself Bobby Bobolink?

  41. They were afraid that some gossip might drop a hint to old Mr. Crow, or his noisy cousin, Jasper Jay, or perhaps Mr. Blackbird.

  42. It may be objected to Robin that he is noisy and demonstrative; he hurries away or rises to a branch with an angry note, and flirts his wings in ill-bred suspicion.

  43. I know that there are such, and that even in this noisy world they have made themselves heard.

  44. He seldom deigns to notice his noisy and furious antagonists, but deliberately wheels about in that aerial spiral, and mounts and mounts till his pursuers grow dizzy and return to earth again.

  45. Had Lydie told him that her husband had heaped torrents of abuse on her, and had concluded a noisy scene by striking her, he would have been very angry, but he would have understood.

  46. Like himself, she sat silent in the midst of the noisy throng, obviously lending a very inattentive ear to the whisperings of the handsome cavalier beside her.

  47. The sound of the noisy water filled their ears, the peril of the projecting rocks continued to face them and a glance at the dark colored stream below was sufficient to warn them of dangers to be avoided there.

  48. Since he had started, the fiercest animal Fred had seen had been the noisy little coyote.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "noisy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    blaring; blatant; blustering; boisterous; brassy; brawling; brazen; chaotic; clamorous; crying; disorderly; loud; noisy; obstreperous; raging; ranting; raucous; raving; resonant; riotous; rollicking; rowdy; screaming; shouting; storming; swaggering; swashbuckling; thunderous; tumultuous; turbulent; uproarious; vociferous; yammering; yapping; yelling; yelping