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Example sentences for "clus"

Lexicographically close words:
clumsiness; clumsy; clunch; clung; clur; cluse; cluss; cluster; clustered; clustering
  1. I crept up and seed two little girls all 'lone clus by the wagons, a singin' sunkthin'.

  2. Day clus comin', and if you cotched, no use!

  3. If they'd only fly clus enough t'the ground so the could alwuss touch one foot, they'd be all right.

  4. Awa in the distance, solitara, and alone, clus up tu the ceiling, chawing hiz cud, sot a little grey cuss.

  5. He waz given a butiful hum, clus tew the borders ov heaven, the fruit and the flower waz planted for him, and the sweet waters were led along hiz futpath, birds sung onla for him, and woman was bilt tew make hiz joy komplete.

  6. This pictur will put yu in clus communion with a man who haz had this diseaze, but who haz so far rekovered, that he iz able to sit up and laff at others, who are trieing to ketch the same disorder.

  7. The hoss cum in awl alone, trotting fast, and so clus down, that 2 feet ov his tale dragged on the ground.

  8. That night he tied me to a stump clus to the bars, an' left me thar all night.

  9. I watched that gal middlin' clus all last summer.

  10. Réclus calls it, are alternated with very fairly cultivated farms.

  11. Cause liquor was sold clus by the court room all the time they were tryin' the cause.

  12. Pretty clus questions," said Mr. Tumbleton, balancing on one leg, and looking thoughtfully up at the ceiling.

  13. Nobody can stand ag'in her at clus range like that!

  14. W'l you infer surprisin'ly clus to the truth!

  15. He were clus up to me when he hit a log wrong an' it rolled him under.

  16. Now we kin skitter right long, but I tell ye we got purty clus to 'em back thar.

  17. He stepped up clus an' growled an' showed his teeth an' then he begun to git rooined.

  18. They take oph their coats, and stand clus up to the tabel, with a short piece ov a fishpole in their hands, which has a chalk mark onto the end ov it.

  19. For two years we jest lived right clus to thet baby, and then-- "Wal, Gray Billy was a onlucky hoss.

  20. They ain't nothin' to do except keep clus to the left bank," said Avery, turning toward the woods.

  21. God-A'mighty never set out to make a better man than Dave, or a healthier gal than my Swickey, and come so clus to finishin' the job.

  22. The boy started his oxen in a bee line for the black heifer, but wen he got pretty clus to her, she threw up her tail an ran off in another direcshin.

  23. Wen he got clus to her, the heifer give another frisk to her tail, an off she went.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.