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Example sentences for "thar"

Lexicographically close words:
thanksgivings; thankt; thankyng; thann; thanne; tharby; thare; tharefore; tharfor; tharfore
  1. Thar ain't no call for explanations when a feller's feelin's are teched.

  2. I don't much like what ye says 'bout that-thar five thousand, though.

  3. Jest think what he done out thar in the Sound a-savin' o' the kid!

  4. I'd sooner a durned sight be thar than haar if it comed on to blow!

  5. Ye ain't got more than time to get over the state line and among your folks thar afore they'll be down on you.

  6. Thar was tracks over the far pasture that warn't mine.

  7. Can't you fetch me up some of them thar picter books?

  8. Thar warn't no needcessity," said Pop complacently, taking a long twist of tobacco from his pocket.

  9. That thar is fer my gal," he said defiantly to the superintendent.

  10. Thar ye go crowdin' the question chute," complained Landy as the party arrived at the filling station.

  11. Then hit blows the snow off en around, en stock can graze thar until near Christmas.

  12. We'll go over thar in the mornin' early en I'll watch ye hypnotize her en Hulls, like ye did Logan.

  13. Even then thar was no gineral rejoicin'--nobody killed a fatted calf.

  14. Thar we adjourned and left the colt without a moniker.

  15. You wait here," the veteran cautioned, "ye might git a bullet through yer windshield if ye drive up thar unannounced.

  16. If a bunglin' mechanic over thar will leave his feet alone he'll be all right till spring.

  17. It will still be thar even if Jim knocks off work fer a couple a days.

  18. Ten years from now, thar won't be a cow hand ner a gun outside a dude ranch er a rodeo.

  19. If you leave him alone, he'd stay right thar messin' around till dark.

  20. Bill driv the stage from Independence Up to the Smokey Hill; And everybody knowed him thar As Independence Bill,-- Thar warn't no feller on the route That driv with half the skill.

  21. Turning to Stevens, he added, "Thar ain't no need fer any cussin'.

  22. One old farmer summed up the situation in the phrase, "Thar ain't nothin' for him to do, but set still.

  23. Every time Seth Stevens hauled off to hit, schoolmaster was thar first.

  24. If thar was any dawg, he must have been asleep, too.

  25. Thar, stop fingering that thar revolver, or I'll giv' the old woman the wink.

  26. Thar is a scouting party of Yanks up the road.

  27. My hoss is plumb tired out," was Harry's answer, "but I reckon I will git thar in time.

  28. Thar is one feller out heah I want to get, an' I'm goin' to get him.

  29. Thar yo' un can see what yo' un are coming to," one said, grinning at Lawrence.

  30. Murg wasn't at Jessup's--he an' the gal had been gone from thar fer two hours.

  31. Not onless she went thar o' her own accord--which I don't reckon possible.

  32. Back thar was the first time I ever seen him hang back in my long experience with him.

  33. Senor Sebastian owned it and it was said that he could ride all day and never git off his place, and that he had more sheep and cattle than thar is folks in Frisco.

  34. It were before your time," replied Pete somewhat reluctantly, "we raided a ranch back thar agin the mountings.

  35. I'se too old any way to leave my cabin thar in Floridy, and I'd a heap sight rather of stayed and died on de old plantation.

  36. Mebby the young lady in thar kin show me the things and tell me the names of yer Yankee gimcracks.

  37. Uncle Abe's cabin was comfable enough, and thar was a hull chest of Rhody's things, a doin' nobody no good.

  38. About the time we gets 'em off he sags back convulsive, an' thar he is as dead as Santa Anna.

  39. He's jest set thar with them buck-shot an' felt himse'f to death.

  40. An' thar you be plumb down to Pinon Bill.

  41. His game's yere, an' this theery that he's got to go scatterin' over thar once a week is some gauzy.

  42. Thar ain't a thing he can do or learn to.

  43. Then, when she's thar for good, I reckons she nacherally quits comin' over.

  44. That's all thar is to the death of Crawfish Jim.

  45. Thar ain't no camp this side of St. Looey could turn this trick.

  46. It's plenty strange he's thar at all; an' stranger still he's afoot.

  47. How they got together, Heaven only knows, but thar they was, hitched up in that desolate hole.

  48. All around them thar was flowers, an' beautiful trees, in which the birds were a-singin'.

  49. Some day thar'll be the Holy City we read about, whar the streets are paved with gold, an' if we are to enjoy them thar we must be willin' fust to tramp the trails down here awhile.

  50. But thar I was with that thing on me hands.

  51. Waal, ye see, thar was two letters on the poke, which seemed to pint to somethin' bad.

  52. I kin see the parson standin' thar now with a wonnerful look on his face.

  53. She's a woman, through and through, if ever thar was one.

  54. Thar now, ye'll feel better," he remarked, when Keith had finished the savory broth.

  55. The parson thar interfered, an' saved her from that devil, so that's why Jim hates parsons.

  56. I saw at once thar was bad blood atween the two, an' I hated to leave the lad alone with his beast of a pardner, fer I'd taken a fancy to the kid.

  57. But thar was one thing I did notice," he continued.

  58. Some fool had been thar before, found gold, made a map of the place, and then kicked the bucket.

  59. If ye got five hundred cold plunks in yaller ye kin get him; if not, you walk straight to that tree thar an' don't drop yer hands or turn or I'll fire.

  60. Then why don't you ear-mark him with them thar new sheep-rings?

  61. I'll see that yuh git thar with proper escort, and all that," and he grinned sheepishly.

  62. But thar ain't no law keepin' me from spending my money as I please, is there?

  63. I dunno why I didn't soak yer; but thar wuz somethin' held me back.

  64. Does any critter hyar suspect thar'd been any monkey business with thet thar young gent?

  65. Thar is ladies in hyar, an' yer might shoot 'em ef yer keep flingin' lead round so promiscuous like!

  66. Will yer stop thet thar racket, ur shall I guv yer a dost out o' this yar gun!

  67. Somehow, this yere place seems dead slow, an' it makes me long ter go back whar thar is a little sport now an' then.

  68. Wa-al, ther doctors said thar warn't one chance in a thousan' fer me.

  69. I'm goin' in thar an' demand ther gal," said the guide.

  70. Buckhorn supplied the revolver with fresh cartridges, at the same time observing: "Over in 'Rapahoe such a derned freak as thet thar would be a reg'ler snap fer ther boys.

  71. We'll hev yer out uv thar in two shakes, brand me deep ef we don't!

  72. We find that thar is ther simplest way o' doin' business.

  73. He sw'ars thar has been a mistake made, an' he kin prove you are what ye claim, an' not Black Harry at all.

  74. It duz look like something a' ther kind took her out o' thar jest at ther right time.

  75. If thar wasn't cold doins about that time, this child wouldn't say so.

  76. Thar was a hurroo when we rode in with the scalps at the end of our guns.

  77. Well, anyhow, thar was the camp, and they was goin' to put out the next morning; and the last as come out of Independence was that ar Englishman.

  78. Certain, the old State comes across my mind now and again, but who's thar to remember my old body?

  79. Thar plans is plain to this child as beaver sign.

  80. Thar ain't a track as leaves its mark upon the plains or mountains but you can read off-hand; that I've see'd myself.

  81. All the boys called him Cap'en, and he got his fixings from old Choteau; but what he wanted out thar in the mountains, I never jest rightly know'd.

  82. Thar was old grit in him, too, and a hair of the black b'ar at that.

  83. You're stout yet, and if thar was meat handy, you'd come round slick.

  84. Thar wrasn't enough scarlet cloth, nor beads, nor vermilion in Sublette's packs for her.

  85. I tried to reason him out of his notions; but thar war no use in trying, no how I could work it.

  86. When you find an Injun lying scalped and tomahawked, it stands to reason thar war something to kill him?

  87. He has had but a hard time of it amongst us, poor creatur'; for it used to make us wrathy to find thar war so little fight in him that he wouldn't so much as kill a murdering Injun.

  88. Nobody could see through that thar smoke!

  89. Thar he is, miss, hidin' like behin' the bed.

  90. Stop short, an' nevah go on again,' like thet thar clock in the song.

  91. I laid low for them varmints till night, when I mounted my critter, and struck off over the country leadin' thar two beasts with me.

  92. Them varmints have ways of telegraphing ahead of ye to some of thar friends, so that ye'r'll run heels over head into some trap, onless yer understands thar devilments and tricky ways.

  93. As them other varmints creep up onto him, he shoots ahead by scooping in more topknots, and thar's no use of thar trying to butt ag'in him.

  94. Of course thar wouldn't have been any show for me if I hadn't had a streak of luck.

  95. They rode off up the pass till they could reach a place whar the brutes could climb up and jine thar owners.

  96. Haven't I larned 'nough of the 'Paches and thar devilments to keep 'em back?

  97. It's a wonder they didn't fetch out some of thar mustangs, and leave 'em whar I could lay my hands onto 'em.

  98. Thar ain't no use of tryin' to reach home on foot, any more than thar is of climbing up that wall with yer toes.

  99. When the rest of his band come over arter him, as they s'posed in answer to their signal, they took mighty good care not to leave their hosses where thar war any chance for the Kiowas to put their claws onto 'em.

  100. Hyar, you, Abe; mosey out thar and yank that pack in hyar.

  101. I don't believe thar's a man in the States what's got as much devil to thar square inch as this man Swanson.

  102. I was up thar yisterd'y an' it beats all how snug they're fixed!

  103. Guess twixt you an' me an' the post, I won't hev ter go thar sence Aurory's sold the land fer the quarries.

  104. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    thar hain; thar warn; thar wasn