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Example sentences for "coing"

Lexicographically close words:
coinciding; coine; coined; coiner; coiners; coining; coins; coir; coition; coitus
  1. I am coing out," and he began to wriggle backwards, and Trevna was fain to go too.

  2. He paused a few moments, and then resumed: "And she'll not pe coing to be hangt?

  3. What am I coing to do about these flowers?

  4. I can't find the oder one anwhere; and if I lost it, what am I coing to do with the rhoces the other lady ortert?

  5. Teol more, take te present tat pe coing petween friends, and she may have sharper works tan pe coing visits; put not te more, she pe haifing small favour to seek.

  6. Py Cot's preath, put she shall pe coing in; were not she her friend and couhnsel?

  7. Is she coing to hae ferry short days--shorter than they are the noo?

  8. Nay, she's coing to dee, and she's ferry sorry she wasna always coot frien's.

  9. She's hat some ferry douce weather lately; now she's coing to have some ferry pad weather.

  10. Ve are coing to wride that gomedy, ant ve are coing to begin at vonce--eh?

  11. Ve shall oben in the first week of Sebtemper, ant ve are coing for the gloves.

  12. I haf found oudt vat you are coing to London for,' said Darco.

  13. Ant you ant I are coing to write that gomedy.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.