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Example sentences for "colonizers"

Lexicographically close words:
colonizationists; colonizations; colonize; colonized; colonizer; colonizing; colonnade; colonnaded; colonnades; colonnes
  1. The former, who hit very hard at them in controversy, managed Lord Glenelg, then Colonial Secretary; the latter turned Minister after Minister from friends of the colonizers into enemies.

  2. Baffled in Parliament, as already described, the colonizers changed their ground, decided to propitiate the powers, and become a joint-stock company.

  3. The ideals expressed by Captain John Smith, the leader and preserver of the Jamestown colony, are worthy to rank beside those of the colonizers of New England.

  4. The explorers went to the Arctic seas, the would-be colonizers to Newfoundland or Virginia.

  5. Of the later accounts given of grapes in Virginia and the Carolinas by the colonizers and adventurers of the seventeenth century there are so many that it is impossible to present all and difficult to sort out those most apt.

  6. It is probable that the Phoenicians, the earliest navigators, tradesmen and colonizers on the Mediterranean, carried it to the countries bordering on this sea.

  7. All I can tell you is that the general opinion among the Colonizers is in favor of beginning in a country where the people are of a different color from us; so that we can make short work without any risk of mistakes.

  8. The Colonizers are of opinion that we should increase our numbers and colonize.

  9. I had rather not explain; but it wont make any difference to our Colonizers what sort of short-livers they come across.

  10. All these colonizers had their special projects, and each project, being inspired by imperfect ideals, failed more or less, or changed its character from time to time.

  11. One of the first chief cares of these early colonizers was that of winning to their loyalty the native tribes, as an agency against the English, who were equally desirous of the possession of the fertile region.

  12. A few Puritans in America could not do much to annoy him, and there was of course a fair chance of their perishing, as so many other colonizers had perished.

  13. They failed for lack of the principle of representation, which was practically unknown to the world until introduced by the Teutonic colonizers of the Roman empire.

  14. The two Latin nations, the Spaniards and the Portuguese, were the conquerors and colonizers in the early sixteenth century.

  15. Elizabeth and Frank said their I do's right there in the Renting Office while the other robot colonizers looked on.

  16. Min and I got to thinking of all those robot colonizers who'd be coming out here.

  17. In the case of rails there is no evidence that they move in flocks; however, they are among the most successful colonizers and are on many of the oceanic islands in the tropical and subtropical oceans.

  18. The beam of the cross yielded to a humbler wood as the national designation, just as the pious pretensions of the early colonizers quickly vanished before their impious greed.

  19. As colonizers the French worked quietly and persistently, and would have succeeded, had not their enterprises been ruined by their unfortunate political and ecclesiastical policy and the mismanagement of their rulers.

  20. Their characteristics, Englishmen were soon found to be the best colonizers in the world.

  21. As Los Angeles was but a humble dependent on San Gabriel Mission, its beginnings may best be traced in connection with the history of the mission fathers, the earliest colonizers and civilizers of the sunset land.

  22. Twelve men with their families, including eleven women and twenty-six children, were the colonizers of Los Angeles.

  23. We may perceive, indeed, that the early colonizers commenced with approaches to that principle, but it was not prosecuted farther.

  24. Meanwhile the new colonizers had become masters of the Nine Ways, having dislodged the Edonian Thracians, its previous habitants.

  25. Thus, whatever the Egyptian colonizers might have imported of a typical religion, the abstruser meaning would become, either at once or gradually, lost.

  26. Because, whatever of the Grecian language pervades the Latin [7], we can only ascribe to the Pelasgic colonizers of Italy.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "colonizers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.