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Example sentences for "colonize"

Lexicographically close words:
colonist; colonists; colonization; colonizationists; colonizations; colonized; colonizer; colonizers; colonizing; colonnade
  1. France introduced her trade in both the East and West Indies, and was the first to colonize Canada and the Lower Mississippi.

  2. So also it was one thing to discover the two Americas, and another, in any real sense, to possess or colonize them, or to bring their productions into the general traffic and use of the world.

  3. Captain George Popham was the head of a party that undertook to colonize the coast of Maine in 1607, but having suffered "extreme extremities" during the winter, the colonists returned the following year.

  4. Popham, Captain George, attempt of, to colonize in Maine, 178.

  5. It was its original design to colonize and secure to the British crown all the countries which it might explore and occupy.

  6. When the Osmia is unable to enter the tube, obviously she will not colonize it.

  7. Ralegh had already spent forty thousand pounds in his several efforts to colonize Virginia, and he found himself unable to follow up his design from his own purse alone.

  8. It was in 1584 that Hakluyt wrote for Ralegh his Westerne Planting, to be used in inducing Elizabeth to grant to Ralegh and his friends a charter to colonize America; and Dr.

  9. I think this idea of forced colonization is going to breed trouble for Earth someday, but it is about the only way you can get anybody to colonize this frozen hunk of mud.

  10. If we are to colonize the planets of the Solar System, we must meet the conditions on those planets as best we can.

  11. But since that date large collections have been made by Everett, Steere, and other travellers, the result of which has been to more than double the known species, and to render the ornithological fauna an exceedingly rich one.

  12. They went forth mainly to conquer, incidentally to colonize and settle.

  13. Other nations also were represented in these fishing regions, but it was reserved to Cartier definitely to discover it, and to Francis I of France, to attempt to colonize and christianize it.

  14. The history of the Spanish Main begins in 1509, with the voyages of Ojeda and Nicuesa, which were the first definite and authorized attempts to colonize the mainland of South America.

  15. At any rate, sink it did, with all on board, and Pizarro and about thirty men were all that were left of the gallant three hundred who had followed the doughty Ojeda in the first attempt to colonize South America.

  16. It is possible to colonize without exterminating the natives.

  17. At last arrangements were perfected to allow them to colonize Lithuania--all at once even this was interdicted.

  18. We now proceed to examine the social position, prior to the emigration, of those Englishmen who did in a certain degree colonize the present Slave States, and in a much greater degree colonize New England.

  19. His attempts to colonize the new world, however, ended fatally.

  20. As the result of these various explorations, many felt an earnest desire to colonize the new world.

  21. He instructed him to wait until the fleet had sailed round the land, to colonize the city, and to regulate the affairs of the Oritians so that they might pay the greater respect to the viceroy.

  22. For Alexander designed to colonize the seaboard near the Persian Gulf, as well as the islands in that sea.

  23. He--whatever might say the rest-- Cared, and would colonize Oregon!

  24. With Indian arrows and mountain snow Between us, we never can colonize The wild Northwest from the East you know, If you doubt it, why, we will let you read The London Examiner; proofs enough The Northwest is worth just a pinch of snuff.

  25. In 1765 he persuaded the merchants of St. Malo, in Brittany, to fit out an expedition which should colonize the Falkland Islands.

  26. He was not enabled to do so until the year 1595, when he again started from the coast of Peru with a fleet and a number of Spaniards who were to colonize the Solomon Islands.

  27. Then a Swedish company began to colonize the Delaware Bay and River coast of Virginia, which they called New Sweden.

  28. You also know that it was publickly proclaimed and believed among us, that we were to conquer and colonize this country, whereas our instructions were only to barter with the natives for gold.

  29. For fifty years he had tried to colonize Mars and all his efforts had failed.

  30. It had looked as though mankind could never spread to the other planets of the solar system besides Earth for of all of them Mars was the least inhospitable; if he couldn't live here there was no use even trying to colonize the others.

  31. At the same time, the obligation to colonize became more exacting, since the minimum number of new settlers per annum was raised from fifty to a hundred.

  32. Although unprosperous, the first attempt of the French to colonize Acadia is among the bright deeds of their colonial history.

  33. He told them that if they tried this, he would do his level best to pull all the Slovaks out of the district (they are the bulk of the mill forces) and colonize them in the West.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "colonize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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