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Example sentences for "commensuration"

Lexicographically close words:
commensalism; commensals; commensurability; commensurable; commensurate; comment; commentaries; commentary; commentator; commentators
  1. Just as the category Where is indicated by the spatial relations of a body to other bodies, so the category When is indicated, in regard to any event or process, by its commensuration or comparison with other events or processes.

  2. Likewise it is evident that it is not in this sacrament circumscriptively, because it is not there according to the commensuration of its own quantity, as stated above.

  3. And in this way some said the union was by manner of confusion (which is without order) or by manner of commensuration (which is with order).

  4. The same applies to vices and sins: because in them the privation of the due commensuration of reason is such as not to destroy the order of reason altogether; else evil, if total, destroys itself, as stated in Ethic.

  5. For it matters much in sickness or deformity, whether one departs more or less from the due commensuration of humors or members.

  6. On the other hand, in some operations, good and evil depend only on commensuration with the agent.

  7. I answer that, Right or just depends on commensuration with another person.

  8. But after what manner in this is commensuration to be found?

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commensuration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.