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Example sentences for "commit himself"

  • How could he reply so as not to commit himself?

  • Something disastrous must have happened at Paris; and Raoul, afraid to commit himself by writing, had come himself to bring the bad news.

  • He is kind and indulgent; but he does not betray himself, never will he commit himself.

  • But Peter could not be induced to commit himself.

  • If you can get us a written statement from the District Attorney that he doesn't intend to push the case, we can do something, but I suppose he's far too shrewd to commit himself.

  • Catlin's a timid man, who never likes to commit himself.

  • It seemed as if some devil within were urging him on, from time to time, to commit himself.

  • Having reached his room, he sat down with a sort of suspicion that he had said or done something to commit himself.

  • Reinforcements necessary to enable him to act did not reach him until dusk, when it would have been folly to commit himself to an attack.

  • Massy's orders, it was true, were to act in conformity with Macpherson's movements, and on no account to commit himself to an action until that officer had engaged the enemy.

  • If he could be made now, in some more decided manner, to commit himself to Luther's cause, it would be a great point gained for reform.

  • It meant simply that he did not propose to commit himself at all.

  • He added the two last words as a sort of sly post-scriptum, and as if to commit himself finally.

  • He was keen and sly in business, very watchful, and slow to commit himself.

  • Yes, I shall go back to Italy," he said, as if unwilling to commit himself.

  • Yes," said Ciccio, unwilling to commit himself.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commit himself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bodily shape; cannot sleep; cannot well; cold countries; commit fornication; commit himself; commit suicide; committed suicide; committee appointed; committeth adultery; committing suicide; deep growl; double personality; each hill; esprit humain; keep thee; mangrove swamp; move slowly; neither can; note circulation; scale manufacturing; seven shillings; sought after; what things; would burst; yellow poplar