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Example sentences for "congregates"

Lexicographically close words:
congratulation; congratulations; congratulatory; congregate; congregated; congregating; congregation; congregations; congresses; congressmen
  1. This curious little species congregates in incredible numbers at certain spots in the Arctic regions, to breed.

  2. The Rook obtains much of its food from the sands in littoral districts; the Starling often congregates in vast flocks on the saltings.

  3. This Gull will also feed on grain, grubs, and worms, is a constant follower of vessels, and congregates in unusual numbers at fishing harbours during the sprat and herring seasons.

  4. It has a pleasing, careless song, uttered on the wing, and in winter congregates in great flocks, to travel slowly northwards over the plains.

  5. In the breeding season it congregates in pools, and one is then struck by their extraordinary vocal powers, which they exercise by night.

  6. It prefers clear streams and lakes, and congregates in small schools about rocky situations, gravelly bars, about mill-dams, and in the vicinity of weed patches in ponds.

  7. On streams the likely places are in deep and swift water, at the foot of rapids, or on a rocky lee shore with a brisk wind, where it congregates in search of minnows that are rendered almost helpless by the churning water.

  8. It congregates in large schools about the offshore rocky reefs and shoals, and about old wrecks, feeding on crabs, shrimps, and other marine organisms, often in company with the tautog and porgy.

  9. The number of the commons assembled in the lower house, [Sidenote: Number of congregates in the parlement.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "congregates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.