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Example sentences for "contriued"

Lexicographically close words:
contributory; contrite; contritely; contrition; contriue; contrivance; contrivances; contrive; contrived; contriver
  1. Triumph women, this was the end of the whipping Jew, contriued by a woman, in reuenge of two women, her selfe and her maid.

  2. This maner of stage in halfe circle, the Greekes called theatrum, as much to say as a beholding place, which was also in such sort contriued by benches and greeces to stand or sit vpon; as no man should empeach anothers sight.

  3. Contriued into three Bookes: The first of Poets and Poesie, the second of Proportion, the third of Ornament.

  4. These persuasions quieted the king for a time, till he was informed of the practise which the duke of Glocester had contriued (as the fame went amongst diuerse persons) to imprison the king.

  5. They haue also Cornish three mens songs, cunningly contriued for the ditty, and pleasantly for the note.

  6. And then the protector shewed them, that the lord chamberleine, and other of his conspiracie, had contriued to haue suddenlie destroied him, and the duke, there the same day in the councell.

  7. And so after mutch counsayle, and great tyme contriued in their seueral examinations, his Nephew then was well recouered, and able to goe abroade, being set at liberty.

  8. Iulietta knowing the fury of hir Father, fearing to incurre his indignation, or to prouoke his further wrath, retired for the day into hir Chamber, and contriued that whole Nyght more in weeping then slepyng.

  9. Suffer I say, that mine afflictions may take some end, sith cruel fortune willeth it to be so, or rather vnhappy fate: for sowre death is sweeter in my conceit, than bitter life contriued in sharper sauce than gall or wormwood.

  10. For they seeke nothing else, but for a small occasion grounded vpon a light pretext to sound into the eares of great lords that which mischieuously they haue contriued against those, whose execution of iustice is odious vnto them.

  11. But for all their faire and cunning speeches, they are not ouermuch to be trusted: for they be the greatest traitors of the world, as their manifold most craftie contriued and bloody treasons, here set down at large, doe euidently proue.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contriued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.