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Example sentences for "contriver"

Lexicographically close words:
contriued; contrivance; contrivances; contrive; contrived; contrivers; contrives; contriving; contro; control
  1. Then, addressing Azan's force, he proclaimed himself the sole contriver of the scheme, and professed his willingness to bear the punishment.

  2. They both declared that Stanley, who escaped, was the sole contriver of the robbery.

  3. It will be proper now to return to Cranstoun, who was the original contriver of this horrid murder.

  4. Hence from design, designers, and persons, we have stepped to organization and contrivance, and arrive at a contriver again.

  5. But nothing was impossible unto Archimedes, the learned Contriver thereof; nor shall we question his removing the earth, when he finds an immoveable base to place his Engine upon it.

  6. He was the contriver of yonder charming wilderness!

  7. I immediately suspected, and I think I did not do him injustice, that my rival was the contriver of this sudden necessity of my return.

  8. He was the contriver of what may be considered as the first hour clock that was made in Rome, and which measured time by a hand entirely moved by mechanism.

  9. The credit it obtained, introduced new disorders into the text of Catullus; and when the fraud was at length detected, the contriver of it only laughed at the temporary success of his imposture.

  10. First, it is a merely mechanical structure put together to do certain things; secondly, it must be related to a contriver and constructor.

  11. Professor Ficker signals Guala as the real contriver of the regime of terror, and the man who acquired the influence imported the idea and directed the policy.

  12. She understood all the secrets of the aqueous catapult, at which its contriver had little more than hinted on that memorable night when he disclosed so much, and believed she could arrange it for action without assistance.

  13. So also did Amanda; but not the less did she cherish feelings of revenge against her whom she more than suspected of having been the contriver of her harmful discomfiture.

  14. Whether the contriver or not of this spell, he was able to unbind it, and to check the fury of my brother.

  15. He was by nature an artist; a shaper with the pencil or the chisel, a planner, a contriver capable of turning his hand to almost any work of eye and hand.

  16. Liston borrowed the address from Mathews, and gained for it so great an amount of fame, that the real contriver of the interpolation had reason to complain of being deprived of such credit as was due to him in the matter.

  17. Especially he applauds the actor, author, and contriver of the majority of the farces--"the incomparable Robert Cox.

  18. And there seems no reason to doubt the assertion of the Florentine writers, that Girolamo was one of the conspirators, if not the original contriver of the whole scheme.

  19. Stuart were allowed to remain at Lisbon, it might appear in the eyes of Europe that England was the contriver and imposer of the Portuguese constitution.

  20. The French Admiral was the contriver of the scheme.

  21. There was design in the arrangement; and in the midst of the circle of empty hogsheads might have been seen the contriver of this curious craft.

  22. At all events, Snowball's plan was suited to the circumstances in which its contriver was placed; and perhaps it was the only one which the circumstances would have allowed.

  23. They gave Snorri Sturluson an earl's name, and the king became the contriver of his death.

  24. The author and contriver of this bloody affair is not at present here.

  25. This was a bold and open accusation of God, making the fountain of good, the contriver of evil, and the forbidder of the crime an abettor of the fact prohibited.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contriver" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    architect; designer; developer; engineer; entrepreneur; organizer; planner; projector; promoter; strategist; tactician