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Example sentences for "coppie"

Lexicographically close words:
coppersmith; coppersmiths; coppery; coppice; coppices; coppies; copping; copra; coprolite; coprolites
  1. A coppie of leter from Sir Edwin Sands, directed to M^r.

  2. Coppie of every order w{ch} concerneth the governem{t} of the yomanry.

  3. Presbyterie, and to that end, that they get a coppie thereof, under the Clerks hand whereof the tennour followeth.

  4. The Presbyteries were ordained to get a coppie under the Clerks hand; there were sundrie coppies subscribed by the Ministers in the Presbyteries yet extant, as Hadingtoun, Dumfermling, &c.

  5. Now you talke of a Shower you shall heare Another coppie of Verses that I made Of a mighty raine which fell once in the Indies.

  6. Tis the first edition, sir: none else but we had ever coppie of it.

  7. Sirs, now we be here assembled, you know how little favour the gentlemen bear us poor men.

  8. Councell, a coppie whearof wee send your Highnes heare inclosed togeither with the princepall, which, if you finde requesite, maye please to cause to be delivered.

  9. Speck this yeare in Firando; the which the king said was well donne and desired a coppie thereof and tould us, seeing the Hollanders made soe light a reconyng therof, he would perforce stay Capt.

  10. And withall I shewed hym the coppie of the information I ment to put up against the Hollanders, wherat he marveled.

  11. Mr. Osterwick, 1 from Mr. Eaton, with a coppie of ij letters from Molucos from thenglish agent.

  12. The coppie of our previlegese (as we have them now) I send yow here inclozed, I geting them translated my selfe by a learned boz, haveing two juribassos with Capt.

  13. And I sent Mr. Osterwick to Gonrok Dono with a coppie of my processe I ment to begyn with Capt.

  14. Company, with coppies of last yeare; with coppie from Syam, Camboia, and Champa.

  15. And I answerd hym, it apered by Mr. Eatons accompt that he had them, wherof I know yow (sic) have a coppie under his owne hand.

  16. A Coppie of a Letter sent by the appointment of the Lords of the Council to Mr. Winthrop, for the Patent of this Plantation to be sent to them.

  17. Adames, as apereth per coppie in book cargesons, with that to Ed.

  18. The pointes of busynes tuching Mr. Nealsons proceading apeareth in a memoriall of this date, the coppie wherof I kept.

  19. Smith, taxing me of insuffitientie in accompt keeping, extoling hym selfe that he did all, which is a notorious sclander, he doing nothing but write per coppie as I apointed hym.

  20. The coppie of which letter I have kept both in English and Japon tong, as I sent it to hym by Mr. Jno.

  21. I sent an other letter to Mr. Wickham with the coppie of translation of King Englandes letter, to have Jean Dono to write out two more.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coppie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.