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Example sentences for "coverchief"

Lexicographically close words:
covenaunt; cover; coverage; coverall; coveralls; coverd; covered; covereth; covering; coverings
  1. A purple gown or robe, with long yellow sleeves, and coverchief wrapt round the head and neck, frequently appears, the edges of the long gown and sleeves being slightly ornamented by the needle.

  2. How the ladies dressed their hair in those days is more difficult to decide, as the coverchief conceals it.

  3. Lat see which is the proudeste of hem alle, That wereth on a coverchief or a calle, That dar seye nay, of that I shal thee teche; Lat us go forth with-outen lenger speche.

  4. Give me my coverchief and my staff," said she quickly.

  5. Low on her forehead the heavy waves of her hair were drawn back to each side under the apple-green silk coverchief that was kept in place by the crown of state.

  6. And tossing her head so that her coverchief required readjusting, Cherry slipped down the narrow wooden staircase into the rooms that lay below.

  7. A good eye might have told it to be the head of a woman, wearing a white hood--the graceful coif or coverchief of the time.

  8. It is a combination of coverchief and turban.

  9. These are a sort of cap, which seem to combine coverchief and hood.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coverchief" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.