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Example sentences for "crisscrossing"

Lexicographically close words:
crisply; crispness; crispy; crisscross; crisscrossed; crissum; crista; cristal; cristall; cristata
  1. All morning they continued their crisscrossing course.

  2. The Easy Action spent the day crisscrossing a wide area of water between the shore line and a distance outside the coral shoals, varying from five to twelve miles.

  3. The boats seemed to be crisscrossing the asteroid in a definite pattern.

  4. The Scorpius had sent piloted snapper-boats over the asteroid at high speed, crisscrossing in order to cover the thorium world completely, expecting to have the unknown rocketeer fire at them.

  5. There he ran swiftly for a good half hour in a long diagonal down towards the lake, crisscrossing his trail here and there as he ran.

  6. His boots were made of some furrier hide, silver-black in color, and tightly bound to his calves by crisscrossing leather thongs.

  7. He thought of following after her, but did not know which way she had gone, and doubted Alaska's ability (as well as his own) to find and isolate her most recent trail among the layered and crisscrossing paths of the colonists.

  8. It was difficult to measure accurately because radiating at various points from the large defect were multiple crisscrossing fractures of the skull which extended in several directions.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crisscrossing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.