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Example sentences for "cupreous"

Lexicographically close words:
cuppe; cupped; cupping; cupple; cuppy; cupric; cupriferous; cuprous; cups; cur
  1. Cupreous pyrites and cupreous iron pyrites, besides which a considerable quantity of copper precipitate is produced.

  2. This phenomenon is often observed in the rough stone, which, when exposed to light, exhibit certain deep red tints of a cupreous colour, and metallic lustre on all the faces.

  3. The sulphureous minerals which are most apt to fuse are the cupreous Pyrites, or yellow copper ores: common lead ores are also very fusible.

  4. For the finer qualities of verditer the lime should be of the purest kind, and the cupreous precipitate should be carefully triturated with it, after it is nearly dry, by which a fine velvety appearance is produced.

  5. The cupreous solution employed in the above process is made by neutralising the nitric solution obtained from the refiners of gold and silver, by heating it along with metallic copper.

  6. The cupreous ore is first roasted in large heaps, of 2000 cwts.

  7. Whatever salt of iron be preferred, should be carefully freed from any cupreous impregnation, as this would give the pure blue a dirty brownish cast.

  8. The sugar takes possession of a portion of the oxygen of the cupreous oxide, and reduces it to the protoxide; when it may be precipitated in the form of a granular powder of a brilliant red.

  9. The latter metal seizes the oxygen and sulphuric acid of the cupreous salt, sets the copper free, which then seizes the other half of the iodine.

  10. Red clay, a bed of variable thickness as well as the lower strata, according as the cupreous schist is nearer or farther from the surface.

  11. Compact marl-limestone, or zechstein, which changes from a brownish colour above to a blackish schist below, as it comes nearer the cupreous schist, which seems to form a part of it.

  12. Finally they must be winced through dilute sulphuric acid to clear up the white, by removing the cupreous tinge.

  13. This flocculent matter is a mixture of cupreous soap and ferruginous soap, that is, a combination of the oxides of copper and iron with the margaric acid of the soda soap.

  14. These crystals are merely some of the cupreous salt forced over by the heat.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cupreous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.