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Example sentences for "curbe"

Lexicographically close words:
curato; curator; curatores; curators; curb; curbed; curbing; curbs; curbstone; curbstones
  1. Lett it curbe fooles and idiots, such as throughe folly Will not, or nycenes dare not, tast what's sweete, Alyke made for all pallats.

  2. A Man might then behold, at Christmas, in each Hall, Good Fires, to curbe the Cold, and Meat for great and small.

  3. Away to hell he went, with this most wicked scold, But she did curbe him with the bit, and would not loose her hold.

  4. The Lawes, your curbe and whip, in their rough power Ha's vncheck'd Theft.

  5. To do a great right, do a little wrong, And curbe this cruell diuell of his will Por.

  6. While you command the Castle, we shall curbe All opposition.

  7. The easie Epirotes Gather in multitudes to advance his Title, They have seised upon the Court, secure your person, Whilst we raise power to curbe this Insurrection.

  8. Cæsar beganne to tyrannize; and when vertue, Nor the religion of the Gods, could serve 110 To curbe the insolence of his proud lawes, Brutus would be the Gods just instrument.

  9. I hate my selfe, that, seeking to rule Kings, 10 I cannot curbe my slave.

  10. And as tis hard so well mens dores to barre To keepe the cat out and th'adulterer: 30 So tis as hard to curbe affections so Wee let in nought to make them over-flow.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curbe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.