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Example sentences for "current setting"

  • At Noon found by Observation that the Ship had outrun the Log 20 Miles, a Proof that there is a Current setting to the Southward.

  • By the Observed Latitude at Noon I find the Ship hath only made 22 Miles Southing since the last Observation two days ago, whereas the Log gives 55 Miles, a Proof that there is a Current setting to the Northward.

  • At Noon found the Ship by Observation 10 miles a Head of the Log, which I suppose may be owing to a Current setting in the same direction of the Trade Wind.

  • On the south side of Atooi, we generally found a current setting to the westward, or north-westward.

  • While we were lying-to, though the wind blew fresh, I observed that the ships drifted to the east, consequently there must have been a current setting in that direction.

  • Between Norton Sound and Cape Prince of Wales, we found a current setting to the north-west, particularly off the cape and within Sledge Island.

  • The 21st we had a current setting to the northward, which is against the true trade monsoon, it being now near the full moon.

  • The 18th by my observation at noon we found that we had had a current setting to the southward, and probably that drew us in so nigh Schouten's Island.

  • This error might be owing partly to a current setting to the westward, partly to our not making proper allowances for the setting of the sea before which we run, and perhaps to an error in the assumed longitude of Java Head.

  • We went to the northward of this island, and found a current setting to the W.

  • The 18th, by my observation at noon, we found that we had had a current setting to the southward, and probably that drew us in so nigh Scouten's Island.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "current setting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    boiled water; burning coals; closed the; current account; current events; current issues; current money; current through; current will; currently vacant; false faith; hang down; heaven shall; household management; make light; notwithstanding the; peace were; save life; ships from; story writer; tail deer; there are; under tone; went forth; what took; you take