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Example sentences for "cyclers"

Lexicographically close words:
cycadean; cycads; cyclamens; cycle; cycled; cycles; cyclic; cyclical; cyclically; cycling
  1. None but cyclers know the delight of a five-minutes coast after hours of up-hill toiling.

  2. From Arezzo, Hawthorne went directly to Florence in one day, over a road which Italian cyclers have told me is excellent, and which is the post-road to Rome.

  3. And yet there are many who think cyclers nothing but cads on casters!

  4. Buffalo cyclers who graced the national league - meet at the Capital with their presence took a folio of club music along.

  5. Three carriages with cyclers and their friends accompany us a dozen kilometres out to a wayside mehana (the Oriental name hereabouts for hotels, wayside inns, etc.

  6. At five o'clock on Thursday morning I am dressing, when I am notified that two cyclers are awaiting me below.

  7. Some cyclers were making the most of the fine day.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cyclers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.