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Example sentences for "daintie"

Lexicographically close words:
dailye; daimios; daimon; daimons; daimyo; daintier; dainties; daintiest; daintily; daintiness
  1. Marry, sir, 'tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers; therefore he that cannot lick his fingers goes not with me.

  2. Farewell; buy food, and get thyself in flesh.

  3. I brought my master news of Juliet's death, And then in post he came from Mantua To this same place, to this same monument.

  4. It cannot countervail the exchange of joy That one short minute gives me in her sight.

  5. From a poem by Richard Edwards, in the Paradise of Daintie Devises.

  6. High on a hill a goodly Cedar grewe, Of wondrous length and straight proportion, That farre abroad her daintie odours threwe; Mongst all the daughters of proud Libanon, Her match in beautie was not anie one.

  7. Why doe not then the blossomes of the field, Which are arayd with much more orient hew, And to the sense most daintie odours yield, 80 Worke like impression in the lookers vew?

  8. And he will also make them to please Princes, by faire banquets and daintie dishes, carryed in short space fra the farthest part of the worlde.

  9. I was brought also to a most braue and daintie Bath, where we washed our selues: the Bath being of marble, and of very curious workemanship.

  10. Now ryse up, Elisa, decked as thou art In royall aray; And now ye daintie Damsells may depart Eche one her way.

  11. Sell thy sweet breath to th' daintie musk-ball makers, Yet sell it so as thou mayst soone redeeme it: Let others of thy beauty be pertakers, Else none but Daphnis will so well esteeme it.

  12. He hearing this, from pleasing death reuiues, And drunke those teeres from her immortall eies, Which drop by drop sought other to displace, That each might kisse that sweet and daintie face.

  13. From the old song of "Daintie Davie" Burns has borrowed only the title and the measure.

  14. The first stanza is "Being pursued by the dragoons, Within my bed he was laid down; And weel I wat he was worth his room, For he was my Daintie Davie.

  15. Come, mistris, buy this daintie pound, About a capon roast them round.

  16. Whose backe is fraughte with cates and daintie cheere.

  17. Whose backe is fraighte with cates and daintie cheare.

  18. My masters you may conceiue of me what you list, but I thinke confidently I was ordayned Gods scourge from aboue for theyr daintie finicalitie.

  19. The Charming Month Of May Tune--"Daintie Davie.

  20. Her house sae bien, her curch sae clean I wat she is a daintie chuckie; And cheery blinks the ingle-gleed O' Lady Onlie, honest Lucky!

  21. For richer, for poorer, from North to the South, For honest, for hardhead, or daintie of mouth.

  22. No daintie flowre or herbe that growes on grownd No arborett with painted blossomes drest And smelling sweete, but there it might be fownd To bud out faire, and throwe her sweete smels al arownd.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daintie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.