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Example sentences for "dawne"

Lexicographically close words:
dawdling; dawg; dawgs; dawk; dawn; dawned; dawning; dawnings; dawns; daws
  1. Dawne then to me, Thou morne of mine owne day, And lett heauen stay.

  2. Spain's well-beseeming pride, Thou mighty branch of emperours and kings; The beauties of whose dawne what eye may bide?

  3. And dawne it merrily goes, my Lad, and dawne it merrily goes.

  4. Galbraith walked over from Fountain Towers to Hamilton House, through the fields, and encountered Lord Dawne in the porch.

  5. I feel quite sure that Angelica did not know the doll was there," Lord Dawne said when the twins had gone.

  6. If I had been quite horrid, I should not have appreciated you, and the Tenor and Uncle Dawne and Dr.

  7. He was at the University with your Uncle Dawne and George Galbraith.

  8. Father Ricardo wiped the perspiration from his face, Lord Dawne bit his under lip, Lady Fulda gathered herself up from her knees, and stood helpless.

  9. Galbraith and Lord Dawne stood together, stirring their coffee, at an open window in the great drawing room.

  10. Lord Dawne dismounted and met Mrs. Orton Beg, who was coming out with her bonnet on.

  11. As Lord Dawne had hinted to Mrs. Orton Beg, it was now a question of how best to educate the twins.

  12. Lord Dawne had obtained a hint of what was going on from some chance observations of the Heavenly Twins, but until the day after Angelica's return from the palace neither his father nor sister had spoken to him on the subject.

  13. Lord Dawne afterward expressed the feeling of the whole household when he declared: "Well, it never did and it never would have occurred to me to look for them in their own rooms.

  14. Some disturbance of the atmosphere caused Lord Dawne to look round at this moment, although he had heard nothing, and he was startled to find his sister Fulda standing behind him, looking as awestruck as the duke.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dawne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.