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Example sentences for "deadlie"

Lexicographically close words:
deadens; deader; deadest; deadfall; deadfalls; deadlier; deadliest; deadline; deadliness; deadlock
  1. O say na sae, my master dear, I fear a deadlie storm.

  2. For the Welsh scholers being euermore quarelous, and hauing the southerlie scholers taking their parts, rose against the scholers of the north, so that to and fro manie a deadlie mischiefe happened betwéene them.

  3. Dooest thou not in hating the peace of thy countrie as a deadlie serpent, and thirsting after ciuill wars and spoiles (oftentimes vniustlie gotten) shut vp against thy soule the gates of celestiall peace and refreshment?

  4. Not one of them also that remained aliue, escaped from the battell without some deadlie or verie gréeuous wound.

  5. This neuertheles is certeine that both aliue and dead, yea euen hir verie oile is a deadlie terrour to such fish as come within the wind of it.

  6. His seruantes GOD preserues, thoughe they in danger fall: Euen as from vipers deadlie bite, he kept th’ Appostle Paule.

  7. Not one of them also that remained aliue, escaped from the battell without some deadlie or verie greeuous wound.

  8. A deadlie grone, like life and deaths departure.

  9. And they have taen a kerchief, Casted their kevils in, For wha will tae the parlour gae, And stay that deadlie din.

  10. Out spake the boy in buttons (I ween he wasna thin), "Now wha will tae the parlour gae, And stay this deadlie din?

  11. But fortune was so fauourable to the publike wealth of the realme of England, that this deadlie and dolorous compact tooke none effect or place.

  12. But was not suffered there longe to hang, But was nere strangled or I was taken downe, For there I strugled with suche a deadlie pange; My mother shee frighted and fell in a sowne, And griefe made my father likewise to frowne.

  13. The emperour did make this queene his wife, Which bred in Rome debate and deadlie strife; The moore, with her two sonnes did growe soe proud.

  14. O say na sae, my master deir, For I feir a deadlie storme.

  15. They warsled up, they warsled down, Till Sir John fell to the ground, And there was a knife in Sir Willie's pouch, Gied him a deadlie wound.

  16. And they have taen a kerchief, Casted their kevils in, For wha should tae the parlour gae, And stay that deadlie din.

  17. And yet that happeneth, and no where find we so deadlie debate, as among them, which by nature and law most ought to agree togither.

  18. For that I thee restor'd to life againe, Even from the doore of death and deadlie dreed.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deadlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.