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Example sentences for "deceassed"

Lexicographically close words:
decaying; decays; decease; deceased; deceasse; deceave; deceaved; decedent; deceipt; deceit
  1. This Mulmucius Dunuallo is named in the english chronicle Donebant, and prooued a right worthie prince.

  2. This yeare, the eight day of April deceassed the lord Thomas Beauchampe earle of Warwike.

  3. Moreouer, in December there deceassed at S.

  4. The empresse Maud mother to the king of England (a woman in stoutnesse of stomach and warlike attempts more famous than commonlie any of that sex) deceassed this yere the 10.

  5. Also Richard erle of Glocester deceassed this yeare, and his sonne Philip succeeded him.

  6. In this yeare, the one and twentith of October deceassed the gentle and welbeloued Charles French king the sixt of that name, who was buried at S.

  7. This yeare deceassed Henrie de Boun earle of Hereford, and Saer de Quincie earle of Winchester in their iournie which they made into the holie land.

  8. Also Raimond earle of Prouance, father to the queenes of England and France deceassed this yeare, for whome was kept in England a most solemne obsequie.

  9. One William Patin, son and heire to Richard his father, and eldest brother to Iohn that deceassed deane of Chichester, and to Richard that liued and died at Baslo in Derbishire.

  10. About the same time, deceassed also the countesse of Warwike, and Henrie archbishop of Yorke.

  11. For (as Euersden saith) one Robert Veer that was earle of Oxford deceassed in the yeare next insuing, and after him succeeded an other earle that bare the same name (as by records it may appeare.

  12. And further, when king Edward himselfe was crowned at Westminster, in the yeare of our Lord 1274, being the second of his reigne, the last deceassed K.

  13. The countesse of Oxford deceassed and was buried at Windsore.

  14. He deceassed at Warwike the fourteenth of Ianuarie in the yeare 1491, and was buried in our ladie church there.

  15. Beside the great number which deceassed within the citie of London, two maiors successiuelie died within eight daies and six Aldermen.

  16. Lancaster & his brethren, vncles to the king, and diuerse bishops, about the bodie of the deceassed king.

  17. She deceassed at Shene, and was buried at Westminster, vpon the south side of saint Edwards shrine.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deceassed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.